java - 管理不对称资源使用的最佳设计模式

标签 java design-patterns try-with-resources




  1. 锁定 Collection
  2. 使用 Collection 做有用的事情
  3. 锁定文件
  4. 使用 Collection 和 Document 做有用的事情
  5. 解锁文件
  6. 解锁 Collection


Collection col = null;
try {
    col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);

    // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection

    Document doc = null;
    try {
        doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);

        // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)

    } finally {
        if (doc != null) {

} finally {
    if (col != null) {

自从 Java 7 以来我们有了 try-with-resources,我们对此进行了改进,以便 Java 代码描述自动释放资源:

try (final Collection col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {

    // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection

    try (final Document doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {

        // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)



我们遇到的问题是,在我们对文档执行操作时保持 Collection 锁定是低效的,因为其他线程必须等待,而且通常对文档的操作不需要修改 Collection。


  1. 锁定 Collection
  2. 使用 Collection 做有用的事情
  3. 锁定文件
  4. 做任何需要集合和文档的事情(很少见)
  5. 解锁 Collection
  6. 使用 Document 做有用的事情
  7. 解锁文档

我想知道在代码中实现这种不对称方法的最佳模式。这显然可以像这样用 try/finally 等来完成:

Collection col = null;
Document doc = null;
try {
    col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);

    // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection
    try {
        doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK);

        // Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).

    } finally {
        if (col != null) {

    // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)

} finally {
    if (doc != null) {

我还可以想到一个 try-with-resources 方案,我们在其中交换资源释放顺序,但我想知道这是否会使阅读代码变得更难理解。例如:

try (final ManagedRelease<Collection> mcol =
        new ManagedRelease<>(getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK))) {

    // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection

    try (final ManagedRelease<Document> mdoc =
            mcol.withAsymetrical(mcol.resource.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK))) {

        // Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).

    }  // NOTE: Collection is released here

    // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)

}  // NOTE: Document is released here

ManagedRelease 类:

private static class ManagedRelease<T extends AutoCloseable> implements AutoCloseable {
    final T resource;
    private Supplier<Optional<Exception>> closer;

    public ManagedRelease(final T resource) {
        this.resource = resource;
        this.closer = asCloserFn(resource);

    private ManagedRelease(final T resource, final Supplier<Optional<Exception>> closer) {
        this.resource = resource;
        this.closer = closer;

    public <U extends AutoCloseable> ManagedRelease<U> withAsymetrical(final U otherResource) {
        // switch the closers of ManagedRelease<T> and ManagedRelease<U>
        final ManagedRelease<U> asymManagedResource = new ManagedRelease<>(otherResource, closer);
        this.closer = asCloserFn(otherResource);
        return asymManagedResource;

    public void close() throws Exception {
        final Optional<Exception> maybeEx = closer.get();
        if(maybeEx.isPresent()) {
            throw maybeEx.get();

    private static Supplier<Optional<Exception>> asCloserFn(final AutoCloseable autoCloseable) {
        return () -> {
            try {
                return Optional.empty();
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                return Optional.of(e);

我欢迎就非对称资源管理的 try-with-resources 方法是否明智提出意见,以及任何指向可能更合适的其他模式的指针。


第一个问题似乎是未指定的预期行为。特别是,如果 Collection.close 抛出 Exception,应该发生什么? Document 处理应该继续吗?是否应该回滚在两个锁下完成的部分文档处理?

如果答案是 Collection.close 实际上从未抛出任何异常(或者您不关心抛出异常会发生什么),恕我直言,最简单的解决方案是让您的 Collection.close 幂等,然后在 try-with-resources block 中间适当的地方显式调用它。如果在关闭的 Collection 上调用,使“常规”Collection 方法引发类似 IllegalStateException 的东西也很有意义。然后你的第二个例子会变成这样:

try (final Collection col = getCollection("col1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {
    // Here we do any operations that only require the Collection

    try (final Document doc = col.getDocument("doc1 name", LockMode.WRITE_LOCK)) {

        // Here we do any operations that require both the Collection and Document (rare).

        // NOTE: usually Collection is released here
        // optionally make `col` not final and explicitly set it to `null`
        // here so IDE would notify you about any usage after this point

        // Here we do some operations on the document (of the Collection)


如果您不能更改Collection.close 代码,您可以更改您的ReleaseManager 以使close 幂等。您也可以选择将其重命名为 ResourceManager 之类的名称。在那里添加一个 getter 并始终仅通过该 getter 访问资源。如果在 close 之后调用,getter 将抛出 IllegalStateException

如果 Collection.close 实际上可能会抛出一些异常,而您确实关心此类情况,则很难在不知道预期行为是什么的情况下提供解决方案。

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