arrays - 在 GLSL 着色器中使用小型查找表

标签 arrays vector glsl lookup


float inverse_f(float r)

    // Build a lookup table on the radius, as a fixed-size table.
    // We will use a vec3 since we will store the multipled number in the Z coordinate.
    // So to recap: x will be the radius, y will be the f(x) distortion, and Z will be x * y;
    vec3[32] lut;

    // Flame has no overflow bbox so we can safely max out at the image edge, plus some cushion
    float max_r = sqrt((adsk_input1_aspect * adsk_input1_aspect) + 1) + 0.1;
    float incr = max_r / 32;
    float lut_r = 0;
    float f;
    for(int i=0; i < 32; i++) {
        f = distortion_f(lut_r);
        lut[i] = vec3(lut_r, f, lut_r * f);
        lut_r += incr;

    float df;
    float dz;
    float t;

    // Now find the nehgbouring elements
    for(int i=0; i < 32; i++) {
        if(lut[i].z < r) {
            // found!
            df = lut[i+1].y - lut[i].y;
            dz = lut[i+1].z - lut[i].z;
            t = (r - lut[i].z) / dz;
            return df * t;

我正在使用#version 120。但是它不起作用(调用此函数的所有迭代都返回相同的值)。因此,要么我对数组做了错误的操作(它被相同的值填充),要么 for 循环的返回不起作用,因为循环以某种我不理解的方式展开。是否有什么事情可能会导致这种行为(独立于传入的 R 值返回相同的值)?


好吧,事实证明我在这里犯了 3 个错误。


 lut[i].z > r && lut[i-1].z < r


而且,最糟糕的是,其中一件制服被命名为错误,因此它默认为 0,从而破坏了计算。最终版本(或多或少)是这样的:

float inverse_f(float r)

    // Build a lookup table on the radius, as a fixed-size table.
    // We will use a vec3 since we will store the multipled number in the Z coordinate.
    // So to recap: x will be the radius, y will be the f(x) distortion, and Z will be x * y;
    vec3[32] lut;

    // Flame has no overflow bbox so we can safely max out at the image edge, plus some cushion
    float max_r = sqrt((adsk_input1_frameratio * adsk_input1_frameratio) + 1) + 1;
    float incr = max_r / 32;
    float lut_r = 0;
    float f;
    for(int i=0; i < 32; i++) {
        f = distortion_f(lut_r);
        lut[i] = vec3(lut_r, f, lut_r * f);
        lut_r += incr;

    float df;
    float dr;
    float t;

    // Now find the nehgbouring elements
    for(int i=0; i < 32; i++) {
        if(lut[i].z > r && lut[i-1].z < r) {
            // found!
            df = lut[i+1].y - lut[i].y;
            dr = lut[i+1].z - lut[i].z;
            t = (r - lut[i].z) / dr;
            return lut[i].y + (df * t);

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