javascript - 错误或:ERROR: 0:161: '=' : cannot convert from 'const float' to 'highp int'

标签 javascript glsl shader

我是着色器新手,我正在尝试尝试《着色器之书》中提供的示例,但我目前仍坚持使用 Golan Levin 的三次贝塞尔函数:

const vec3 lineColor = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

float slopeFromT (float t, float A, float B, float C){
  float dtdx = 1.0/(3.0*A*t*t + 2.0*B*t + C);
  return dtdx;

float xFromT (float t, float A, float B, float C, float D){
  float x = A*(t*t*t) + B*(t*t) + C*t + D;
  return x;

float yFromT (float t, float E, float F, float G, float H){
  float y = E*(t*t*t) + F*(t*t) + G*t + H;
  return y;

float plotLine(vec2 uv, float y) {
  return smoothstep(y - 0.02, y, uv.y) - smoothstep(y, y + 0.02, uv.y);

float constrain(float y, float a, float b);

float cubicBezier (float x, float a, float b, float c, float d){
  float y0a = 0.00; // initial y
  float x0a = 0.00; // initial x
  float y1a = b;    // 1st influence y
  float x1a = a;    // 1st influence x
  float y2a = d;    // 2nd influence y
  float x2a = c;    // 2nd influence x
  float y3a = 1.00; // final y
  float x3a = 1.00; // final x

  float A =   x3a - 3.0*x2a + 3.0*x1a - x0a;
  float B = 3.0*x2a - 6.0*x1a + 3.0*x0a;
  float C = 3.0*x1a - 3.0*x0a;
  float D =   x0a;

  float E =   y3a - 3.0*y2a + 3.0*y1a - y0a;
  float F = 3.0*y2a - 6.0*y1a + 3.0*y0a;
  float G = 3.0*y1a - 3.0*y0a;
  float H =   y0a;

  float currentt = x;
  int nRefinementIterations = 100.0;
  for (int i=0; i < nRefinementIterations; i++){
      float currentx = xFromT (currentt, A,B,C,D);
      float currentslope = slopeFromT (currentt, A,B,C);
      currentt -= (currentx - x)*(currentslope);
      currentt = constrain(currentt, 0.0, 1.0);

  float y = yFromT (currentt,  E,F,G,H);
  return y;

void main() {
  vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_resolution;

  float y = cubicBezier(uv.x, 0.500, 0.100, 0.340, 0.873);

  vec3 gradient = vec3(y);

  float line = plotLine(uv, y);

  vec3 color = (1.0 - line) * gradient + line * lineColor;

  gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);



shader error: 0 35715 false gl.getProgramInfoLog No compiled fragment shader when at least one graphics shader is attached.


ERROR: 0:161: '=' : cannot convert from 'const float' to 'highp int'



在 GLSL ES 1.00 中,浮点值不会自动转换为整数值。

100.0 是一个浮点值,但 nRefinementIterations 的数据类型是 int。您必须通过整数值初始化 nRefinementIterations:

int nRefinementIterations = 100.0;

int nRefinementIterations = 100;


int nRefinementIterations = int(100.0);

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