
标签 sql sql-server t-sql

我遇到了一个与过滤掉在特定时间间隔(即 7 到 9 点)内事件的事件相关的问题

EventId             StartTime                       EndTime            
18   2013-04-11 16:33:11.735342100   2013-04-11 17:16:47.976164100  
19   2013-04-10 16:33:46.575337300   2013-04-11 18:10:08.428443900  
20   2013-04-10 17:17:04.033083300   2013-04-11 18:10:13.907757900  
21   2013-04-11 00:10:24.293352100   2013-04-11 18:45:17.754240800  
23   2013-04-11 01:11:20.278558900   2013-04-11 18:45:00.435247300  
25   2013-04-15 09:42:22.549026700   2013-04-15 23:54:33.389964300  
26   2013-04-16 07:42:24.588807700   2013-04-16 17:42:41.077751300  
28   2013-04-19 16:51:22.699240800   2013-04-19 18:39:03.167468100  
31   2013-04-19 18:30:56.891621300   2013-04-19 19:42:50.418640200  
17   2013-04-20 16:07:07.327879000   2013-04-20 22:17:17.783053600  

我想过滤掉那些在上午 7 点到 9 点期间事件的事件,包括从 8 点开始的事件,我使用了简单的时间比较,它按预期工作,但给定数据集,它无法获得一些结果,例如事件 ID 20

20   2018-05-10 17:17:04.033083300   2018-05-11 18:10:13.907757900  

因为此事件在第二天 7-9 点的时间间隔内有效,但由于日期更改,我无法获取它。



where -- more than one day, then automatic
      endTime > dateadd(day, 1, startTime) or
      ( -- same day
       convert(date, endTime) = convert(date, startTime) and
       datepart(hour, startTime) < 9 and
       datepart(hour, endTime >= 7
      ) or
      ( -- next day
       convert(date, endTime) = dateadd(day, 1, convert(date, startTime)) and
       datepart(hour, startTime) < 9 or
       datepart(hour, endTime >= 7




where -- more than one day, then automatic
      endTime > dateadd(day, 1, startTime) or
      ( -- same day
       convert(date, endTime) = convert(date, startTime) and
       convert(time, startTime) <= '07:00:00' and
       convert(time, endTime) >= '09:00:00'
      ) or
      ( -- next day
       convert(time, startTime) <= '07:00:00' or
       convert(time, endTime) >= '09:00:00'

关于sql:根据给定间隔过滤日期时间列,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60929476/



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