sql - 如何在 tsql 中进行排列(基于集合)

标签 sql sql-server sql-server-2005 t-sql permutation


PlayerID    MatchPlayed RunsMade
--------    ----------- --------
1           10              200
2           5               100
3           8               24
4           30              50


Combined Players    Combined Match Played   Combined runs Made  
----------------    ---------------------   ------------------  
1                   10                      200         
1,2                 15                      300         
1,3                 18                      224
1,4                 40                      250
1,2,3               23                      324
1,2,4               45                      350
1,3,4               48                      274
1,2,3,4             53                      374
2                   5                       100
2,3                 13                      124
2,4                 35                      150
2,3,4               43                      174
3                   8                       24
3,4                 38                      74
4                   30                      50

综合比赛数列是这些球员的比赛数列的值的总和。例如对于组合比赛 1,2,组合比赛值(value)为 10 + 5 = 15。

类似地,Combined Runs Made 是各个球员的 Runs MAde 列的总和。例如对于同一示例,组合运行 MAde 列为 200 +100 =300。




create table Input(PlayerId int, MatchPlayed int, RunsMade int)

insert Input
  select 1, 10, 200
  union all select 2, 5, 100
  union all select 3, 8, 24
  union all select 4, 30, 50


with cte(Combined, PlayerId, MatchPlayed, RunsMade)
    select cast(PlayerId as varchar(500)), PlayerId, MatchPlayed, RunsMade
    from Input
    union all
    select cast(cte.Combined + ',' + cast(inp.PlayerId as varchar) as varchar(500)), inp.PlayerId, inp.MatchPlayed + cte.MatchPlayed, inp.RunsMade + cte.RunsMade
    from cte
        join Input inp on
            cte.PlayerId < inp.PlayerId
select Combined, MatchPlayed, RunsMade
from cte
order by Combined

关于sql - 如何在 tsql 中进行排列(基于集合),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6275187/


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