chisel - 如何将已弃用的低 Firrtl 转换转换为依赖项 API

标签 chisel firrtl

我正在更新一个 Firrtl 转换,如下所示

class RetimeTransform extends Transform {
  override def inputForm: CircuitForm = LowForm
  override def outputForm: CircuitForm = LowForm

新的依赖项 API。将转换更改为这样

class RetimeTransform extends Transform with DependencyAPIMigration {



非常感谢 Chisel 团队。看来答案就是像这样进行转换。

class RetimeTransform extends Transform with DependencyAPIMigration {

  override def prerequisites: Seq[TransformDependency] = Forms.LowForm
  override def optionalPrerequisites: Seq[TransformDependency] = Forms.LowFormOptimized
  override def optionalPrerequisiteOf: Seq[TransformDependency] = Forms.LowEmitters

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