Java Lambda : How it works in JVM & is it OOP?

标签 java oop lambda jvm java-8


Lambda 是在需要时执行的代码块。

当遇到 lambda 时,JVM 会发生什么? JVM 将 lambdas 相关的代码块存放在哪里(Heap : Young, Old or Permanent Generation)?

我尝试搜索,我得到了使用 lambdas 的语法,但无法理解 JVM 内部发生了什么,因为在 JAVA 中一切都是基于对象的。

  1. 那么在 OOP 的上下文中,lambda 是如何工作的?

  2. lambda 是否违反 OOP 概念?

  3. Lambda 对垃圾收集器有好处吗,因为没有创建对象 不用担心内存问题和清​​除内存?


我不会浪费时间去思考 lambda 表达式是否违反了 OO 原则。它的目标是增加语言的能力,而不是编写 OO 代码,我看不出 lambdas 是如何违反封装、继承或多态性的。

这个 article解释 Java 如何处理 lambda 表达式:

What’s interesting about Lambda expressions is that from the JVM’s perspective they’re completely invisible. It has no notion of what an anonymous function or a Lambda expression is. It only knows bytecode which is a strict OO specification. It’s up to the makers of the language and its compiler to work within these constraints to create newer, more advanced language elements.


List names = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3");
Stream lengths = -> name.length());

... It begins quite simply by loading the names var and invokes its .stream() method, but then it does something quite elegant. Instead of creating a new object that will wrap the Lambda function, it uses the new invokeDynamic instruction which was added in Java 7 to dynamically link this call site to the actual Lambda function.

aload_1 //load the names var

// call its stream() func
invokeinterface java/util/;

//invokeDynamic magic!
invokedynamic #0:apply:()Ljava/util/function/Function;

//call the map() func
invokeinterface java/util/stream/

InvokeDynamic is an instruction that was added in Java 7 to make the JVM less strict, and allows dynamic languages to bind symbols at run-time, vs. doing all the linkage statically when the code is compiled by the JVM.

Lambda 代码

invokevirtual java/lang/String.length:()
invokestatic java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;

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