r - 如何识别重复的单词以及句子中重复的位置和数量

标签 r duplicates



df <- data.frame(
  Turn = c("oh is that that steak i got the other night",       # that that
           "no no no i 'm dave and you 're alan",               # no no no
           "yeah i mean the the film was quite long though",    # the the
           "it had steve martin in it it 's a comedy"))         # it it



  • df$rep_Word : 指定重复单词的列
  • df$rep_Pos : 一列指定单词在句子中重复的第一个位置
  • df$rep_Numb : 指定单词重复次数的列



                                            Turn rep_Word rep_Pos rep_Numb
1    oh is that that steak i got the other night     that       4        1
2            no no no i 'm dave and you 're alan       no       2        2
3 yeah i mean the the film was quite long though      the       5        1
4       it had steve martin in it it 's a comedy       it       7        1


我的预感是,可以通过 strsplit 获取有关重复单词、位置和重复次数的信息。和函数 duplicated ,例如,因此:

df_split <- apply(df, 2, function(x) strsplit(x, "\\s"))

 [1] "oh"    "is"    "that"  "that"  "steak" "i"     "got"   "the"   "other" "night"
 [1] "no"   "no"   "no"   "i"    "'m"   "dave" "and"  "you"  "'re"  "alan"
 [1] "yeah"   "i"      "mean"   "the"    "the"    "film"   "was"    "quite"  "long"   "though"
 [1] "it"     "had"    "steve"  "martin" "in"     "it"     "it"     "'s"     "a"      "comedy"

例如,对于 df 中的第一句话, duplicated显示哪个单词被重复(即 duplicated 评估为 TRUE 的单词),并且重复的数量和位置也可以读取该信息:


问题是我不知道如何操作 duplicated以在 df 中获得所需的添加列的方式.非常感谢您对这项工作的帮助。



df <- data.frame(
  Turn = c("oh is that that steak i got the other night",  # that that
           "no no no i 'm dave and you 're alan",               # no no no
           "yeah i mean the the film was quite long though",    # the the
           "it had steve martin in it it 's a comedy",         # it it)
           "it had steve martin in in it it 's a comedy",
           "yeah i mean the film was quite long though", 
           "hi hi then other words and hi hi again",
           "no no no i 'm dave yes yes and you 're alan no no no no"))  # no no no and no no no no

cols <- c("rep_Word", "rep_Pos", "rep_Numb")
setDT(df)[, (cols) := {
  words <- strsplit(as.character(Turn), " ")[[1]]
  idx <- rleid(words)
  check <- duplicated(idx)
  chg <- check - shift(check, fill = FALSE)
  starts <- which(chg == 1)
  aend <- if(sum(chg) == 0L) which(chg == -1) else c(which(chg == -1), length(chg) + 1L)
  freq <- aend - starts
  wrd <- words[starts]
  no_dup_default <- .(.(NA_character_), .(NA_integer_), .(NA_integer_))
  if(length(wrd)) .(.(wrd), .(starts), .(freq)) else no_dup_default
}, seq.int(nrow(df))]

#                                                       Turn   rep_Word  rep_Pos rep_Numb
# 1:             oh is that that steak i got the other night       that        4        1
# 2:                     no no no i 'm dave and you 're alan         no        2        2
# 3:          yeah i mean the the film was quite long though        the        5        1
# 4:                it had steve martin in it it 's a comedy         it        7        1
# 5:             it had steve martin in in it it 's a comedy      in,it      6,8      1,1
# 6:              yeah i mean the film was quite long though         NA       NA       NA
# 7:                  hi hi then other words and hi hi again      hi,hi      2,8      1,1
# 8: no no no i 'm dave yes yes and you 're alan no no no no  no,yes,no  2, 8,14    2,1,3

# or
df[, lapply(.SD, unlist), seq.int(nrow(df))][, -1]
#                                                        Turn rep_Word rep_Pos rep_Numb
#  1:             oh is that that steak i got the other night     that       4        1
#  2:                     no no no i 'm dave and you 're alan       no       2        2
#  3:          yeah i mean the the film was quite long though      the       5        1
#  4:                it had steve martin in it it 's a comedy       it       7        1
#  5:             it had steve martin in in it it 's a comedy       in       6        1
#  6:             it had steve martin in in it it 's a comedy       it       8        1
#  7:              yeah i mean the film was quite long though     <NA>      NA       NA
#  8:                  hi hi then other words and hi hi again       hi       2        1
#  9:                  hi hi then other words and hi hi again       hi       8        1
# 10: no no no i 'm dave yes yes and you 're alan no no no no       no       2        2
# 11: no no no i 'm dave yes yes and you 're alan no no no no      yes       8        1
# 12: no no no i 'm dave yes yes and you 're alan no no no no       no      14        3

关于r - 如何识别重复的单词以及句子中重复的位置和数量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60463993/


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