chisel - 不绑定(bind)到 chisel 内存中的可综合节点异常

标签 chisel


[info] - should correctly write and read data *** FAILED ***
[info]   chisel3.core.Binding$BindingException: 'this' (chisel3.core.UInt@d7): Not bound to synthesizable node, currently only Type description
[info]   at chisel3.core.Binding$.checkSynthesizable(Binding.scala:184)
[info]   at chisel3.core.Data.connect(Data.scala:139)
[info]   at chisel3.core.Data.$colon$eq(Data.scala:204)
[info]   at Common.OnChipMemory$$anonfun$1.apply(memory.scala:88)
[info]   at Common.OnChipMemory$$anonfun$1.apply(memory.scala:60)
[info]   at scala.collection.immutable.Range.foreach(Range.scala:166)
[info]   at Common.OnChipMemory.<init>(memory.scala:60)
[info]   at Common.memoryTester$$anonfun$3$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(memoryTest.scala:32)
[info]   at Common.memoryTester$$anonfun$3$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(memoryTest.scala:32)
[info]   at chisel3.core.Module$.do_apply(Module.scala:35)


read_data := chipMem(data_idx) //line 88


val lsb_idx = log2Up(4) // index of lsb in address

val chipMem = Mem(Vec(4, UInt(width = 8)), num_lines)   // memory

val data_idx = req_addr >> UInt(lsb_idx)    //req_addr is a UInt

val read_data = Bits()

此后我一直没能找到问题的原因。我尝试将 read_data 更改为 UInt 的 Vec 并使用 read() 从内存中读取。


问题出在 read_data 的声明上。 Bits() 只是构造一个类型,而不是一个实际的硬件值。您需要将 read_data 设置为实际的 Wire 而不仅仅是 Bits 类型。另请注意,read_data 的类型需要与 Mem 的类型相同,因此您应该按如下方式声明 read_data:

val read_data = Wire(Vec(4, UInt(8.W)) 

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