Iphone OpenGl ES 1.1 : How to modify the camera center from (0, 0,0) 到 (x,y,z)?

标签 iphone ios4 opengl-es

例如,我的对象的中心是(1,2,-1)。我如何修改opengl es“相机”的中心(坐标系的中心)从(0,0,0)到(1,2,-1)

如果我没记错的话,gluLookAt 就是执行此操作的工具,但它不包含在 openGl es 1.1 中。有没有其他函数可以实现相同的功能


gluLookAt 只是将当前矩阵与根据输入创建的明确定义的矩阵相乘。 Its man page包含您需要的公式。


void mygluLookAt(GLfloat eyeX, GLfloat eyeY, GLfloat eyeZ, GLfloat centreX, GLfloat centreY, GLfloat centreZ, GLfloat upX, GLfloat upY, GLfloat upZ)
    GLfloat f[3] =
        centreX - eyeX,
        centreY - eyeY,
        centreZ - eyeZ,

    // make f and the up vector have unit length
    GLfloat lengthOfF = sqrtf(f[0]*f[0] + f[1]*f[1] + f[2]*f[2]);
    f[0] /= lengthOfF;
    f[1] /= lengthOfF;
    f[2] /= lengthOfF;

    GLfloat lengthOfUp = sqrtf(upX*upX + upY*upY + upZ*upZ);
    upX /= lengthOfUp;
    upY /= lengthOfUp;
    upZ /= lengthOfUp;

    // use the cross product of f and Up to get s,
    // and the cross product of s and f to get u
    GLfloat s[3] =
        f[1]*upZ - upY*f[2],
        f[2]*upX - upZ*f[0],
        f[0]*upY - upX*f[1]

    GLfloat u[3] =
        s[1]*f[2] - f[1]*s[2],
        s[2]*f[0] - f[2]*s[0],
        s[0]*f[1] - f[0]*s[1]

    // Fill the matrix as prescribed.
    // Note: OpenGL is "column major"
    GLfloat M[16] =
          s[0], u[0], -f[0], 0.0f,
          s[1], u[1], -f[1], 0.0f,
          s[2], u[2], -f[2], 0.0f,
          0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,  1.0f

    glTranslatef(-eyeX, -eyeY, -eyeZ);


关于Iphone OpenGl ES 1.1 : How to modify the camera center from (0, 0,0) 到 (x,y,z)?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7426823/


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