python - 在 TensorFlow 中训练后,即使使用统一随机数启动简单逻辑回归,变量也不会更新

标签 python tensorflow

我正在通过实现一个简单的逻辑回归分类器来学习 TensorFlow,该分类器在输入 MNIST 图像时输出数字是否为 7。我正在使用随机梯度下降。 Tensorflow代码的关键是

# Maximum number of epochs
MaxEpochs = 1
# Learning rate
eta = 1e-2

n_x = 784
n_y = 1

x_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [n_x, 1], name = 'x_tf')
y_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [n_y, 1], name = 'y_tf')    

w_tf = tf.get_variable(name = "w_tf", shape = [n_x, 1], initializer = tf.initializers.random_uniform());
b_tf = tf.get_variable(name = "b_tf", shape = [n_y, 1], initializer = tf.initializers.random_uniform());

z_tf = tf.add(tf.matmul(w_tf, x_tf, transpose_a = True), b_tf, name = 'z_tf')
yPred_tf = tf.sigmoid(z_tf, name = 'yPred_tf')

Loss_tf = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = yPred_tf, labels = y_tf, name = 'Loss_tf')
with tf.name_scope('Training'):
    optimizer_tf = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate = eta)
    train_step = optimizer_tf.minimize(Loss_tf)

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()                                                 

with tf.Session() as sess:
    for Epoch in range(MaxEpochs):
        for Sample in range(len(XTrain)):
            x = XTrain[Sample]
            y = YTrain[Sample].reshape([-1,1])
            Train_sample = {x_tf: x, y_tf: y}
  , feed_dict = Train_sample)

toc = time.time()
print('\nElapsed time is: ', toc-tic,'s');    

它构建了以下图(为方便起见,已删除与张量板相关的代码): Computational Graph of a single neuron



我本来不想发表这么琐碎的事情,但我已经无计可施了。抱歉发了这么长的帖子。预先非常感谢您的任何指导。需要注意的是,运行需要 93.35 秒,当我使用 numpy 执行此操作(相同的随机实现)时只花了 10 秒左右,为什么会这样?

编辑: 训练过程中的偏差图如下。 enter image description here


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import h5py
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
import time

mnist = tf.keras.datasets.mnist
(x_train, y_train),(x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()

def Flatten(Im):
    FlatImArray = Im.reshape([Im.shape[0],-1,1])
    return FlatImArray

DigitTested = 7

# Sperating the images with 7s from the rest
TrainIdxs = [];
for i in range(len(y_train)):
    if(y_train[i] == DigitTested):

TestIdxs = [];
for i in range(len(y_test)):
    if(y_test[i] == DigitTested):

# Preparing the Datasets for training and testing
XTrain = Flatten(x_train);
YTrain = np.zeros([len(x_train),1]);
YTrain[TrainIdxs] = 1;

XTest = Flatten(x_test);
YTest = np.zeros([len(x_test),1]);
YTest[TestIdxs] = 1;

tic = time.time()
# Maximum number of epochs
MaxEpochs = 1
# Learning rate
eta = 1e-2
# Number of Epochs after which the neuron is validated 
ValidationInterval = 1

ops.reset_default_graph()                                       # to be able to rerun the model without overwriting tf variables
n_x = 784
n_y = 1

x_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [n_x, 1], name = 'x_tf')
y_tf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [n_y, 1], name = 'y_tf')    

w_tf = tf.get_variable(name = "w_tf", shape = [n_x, 1], initializer = tf.initializers.random_uniform());
b_tf = tf.get_variable(name = "b_tf", shape = [n_y, 1], initializer = tf.initializers.random_uniform());

z_tf = tf.add(tf.matmul(w_tf, x_tf, transpose_a = True), b_tf, name = 'z_tf')
yPred_tf = tf.sigmoid(z_tf, name = 'yPred_tf')

Loss_tf = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = yPred_tf, labels = y_tf, name = 'Loss_tf')
with tf.name_scope('Training'):
    optimizer_tf = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate = eta)
    train_step = optimizer_tf.minimize(Loss_tf)

writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(r"C:\Users\braja\Documents\TBSummaries\MNIST1NTF\2")             
tf.summary.histogram('Weights', w_tf)
tf.summary.scalar('Loss', tf.reshape(Loss_tf, []))
tf.summary.scalar('Bias', tf.reshape(b_tf, []))
merged_summary = tf.summary.merge_all()

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()                                                       

with tf.Session() as sess:
    for Epoch in range(MaxEpochs):
        for Sample in range(len(XTrain)):
            x = XTrain[Sample]
            y = YTrain[Sample].reshape([-1,1])
            Train_sample = {x_tf: x, y_tf: y}
            MergedSumm, _ =[merged_summary, train_step], feed_dict = Train_sample)
            writer.add_summary(summary = MergedSumm, global_step = Sample)
        if((Epoch+1) %ValidationInterval == 0):
            ValidationError = 0
            for Sample in range(len(XTest)):
                x = XTest[Sample]
                y = YTest[Sample].reshape([-1,1])
                Test_sample = {x_tf: x, y_tf: y}
                yPred =, feed_dict = Test_sample)
                ValidationError += abs(yPred - YTest[Sample])
            print('Validation Error at', Epoch+1,'Epoch:', ValidationError);

toc = time.time()
print('\nElapsed time is: ', toc-tic,'s');    


查看偏差值,您似乎看到了 sigmoid 函数的饱和状态。

当您将 sigmoid 输入 (z_tf) 推到 sigmoid 函数的最末端时,就会发生这种情况。发生这种情况时,返回的梯度非常低,导致训练停滞。造成这种情况的可能原因是您似乎在 sigmoid 函数上加倍了; sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits 将 sigmoid 应用于其输入,但您已经自己实现了一个。尝试删除其中之一。

此外,默认情况下 tf.initializers.random_uniform()) 会生成 0:1 之间的随机值。您可能希望将权重和偏差对称地初始化为 0,并且从非常小的值开始。这可以通过将参数 minvalmaxval 传递给 tf.initializers.random_uniform() 来完成。

它们应该在训练过程中生长,这又可以防止 sigmoid 饱和。

关于python - 在 TensorFlow 中训练后,即使使用统一随机数启动简单逻辑回归,变量也不会更新,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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