java - 如何从 Observable 中提取最后一个值并返回它?

标签 java reactive-programming rx-java

我正在做一些更多的 RxJava 实验,主要是试图找出适合我的业务的设计模式。我创建了一个简单的航类跟踪应用程序,可以跟踪多个航类,并在航类移动时做出相应 react 。


public final class Flight {

    private final int flightNumber;
    private final String startLocation;
    private final String finishLocation;
    private final Observable<Point> observableLocation;
    private volatile Point currentLocation = new Point(0,0); //prefer not to have this

    public Flight(int flightNumber, String startLocation, String finishLocation) {

        this.flightNumber = flightNumber;
        this.startLocation = startLocation;
        this.finishLocation = finishLocation;
        this.observableLocation = FlightLocationManager.get().flightLocationFeed()
                .filter(f -> f.getFlightNumber() == this.flightNumber)
                .sample(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .map(f -> f.getPoint());

        this.observableLocation.subscribe(l -> currentLocation = l);
    public int getFlightNumber() { 
        return flightNumber;
    public String getStartLocation() { 
        return startLocation;
    public String getFinishLocation() { 
        return finishLocation;
    public Observable<Point> getObservableLocation() { 
        return observableLocation.last();
    public Point getCurrentLocation() { 
        return currentLocation; //returns the latest observable location
        //would like to operate directly on observable instead of a cached value


这是实现此目的的一种方法,主要是创建 BlockingObservable 。但这是不稳定的,因为如果底层可观察对象未完成,它有可能挂起:


关于java - 如何从 Observable 中提取最后一个值并返回它?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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