c++ - 区域中的最大元素

标签 c++

我想将数组中某个元素的值与相邻元素 (3x3) 进行比较,并找出最大值(图)。我下面的代码似乎不起作用。哪一部分出了问题? enter image description here

int data[10][10] = {};
int dataMax[10][10] = {};
int r_size = 3;  // Size of region to compare
int h = floor(r_size/2);    

for(int i = h; i < ( 10 - h  ) ; i++){       
    for(int j = h; j < ( 10 - h ); j++){
      int max = 0;

        for( int ii = i - h; ii < ( i + h ); ii++ ){
            for( int jj = j - h; jj < ( j + h  ); jj++ ){

               if( data[ii][jj] > max ){

                 max = data[ii][jj];


                  dataMax[ii][jj] = 0;


   dataMax[ii][jj]  = data[ii][jj];



int data[10][10] = 

int dataMax[10][10] = {};
int r_size = 3;  // Size of region to compare
int h = floor(r_size/2.0);    

for(int i = h; i < ( 10 - h  ) ; i++){        //**** correction ****
   for(int j = h; j < ( 10 - h ); j++){      //**** correction ****
     int max = 0;
     int max_x = 0;              //**** correction ****
     int max_y = 0;

    for( int ii = i - h; ii <= ( i + h ); ii++ ){         //**** correction ****     
        for( int jj = j - h; jj <= ( j + h  ); jj++ ){    //**** correction ****

           if( data[ii][jj] > max ){

             max = data[ii][jj];
             max_x = ii;              //**** correction ****
             max_y = jj;


   //           dataMax[ii][jj] = 0;


   dataMax[max_x][max_y]  = max;       //**** correction ****


我希望得到以下 dataMax: enter image description here


以下内容可能会有所帮助:( https://ideone.com/xJXzp8 )

int getMax(int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy)
    minx = std::max(minx, 0);
    maxx = std::min(maxx, 10);
    miny = std::max(miny, 0);
    maxy = std::min(maxy, 10);
    int res = data[minx][miny];

    for (int x = minx; x != maxx; ++x) {
        for (int y = miny; y != maxy; ++y) {
            res = std::max(res, data[x][y]);
    return res;

void compute()
    const int h = 3;  // Size of region to compare

    for (int x = 0; x != 10; ++x) {
        for (int y = 0; y != 10; ++y) {
            dataMax[x][y] = getMax(x - h / 2, x + h - h / 2,
                                   y - h / 2, y + h - h / 2);

void filter()
    for (int x = 0; x != 10; ++x) {
        for (int y = 0; y != 10; ++y) {
            if (dataMax[x][y] != data[x][y]) {
                dataMax[x][y] = 0;

关于c++ - 区域中的最大元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21812832/


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