c++ - 给定角度和长度,如何计算坐标

标签 c++ c math trigonometry

假设左上角为(0,0),给定30度角,起点(0,300),线长600,如何计算线的终点所以 这条线代表给定的角度。

C 伪代码是

main() {
  int x,y;

  getEndPoint(30, 600, 0, 300, &x, &y);
  printf("end x=%d, end y=%d", x, y);

// input angle can be from 0 - 90 degrees

void getEndPoint(int angle, int len, int start_x, int start_y, int *end_x, int *end_y) 

    calculate the endpoint here for angle and length

    *end_x = calculated_end_x;
    *end_y = calculated_end_y;


// edit to add conversion
    #define radian2degree(a) (a * 57.295779513082)
    #define degree2radian(a) (a * 0.017453292519)

        x = start_x + len * cos(angle);
        y = start_y + len * sin(angle);

关于c++ - 给定角度和长度,如何计算坐标,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1638437/


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