
objective-c - 如何获取从 UIBarButtonItem 到包含的 navigationController 的引用?

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ios - 通过弹出 navigationController 或使用选项卡栏来识别是否到达 viewController 的更好方法

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ios - 在 iOS7 中禁用 UINavigationController 的旋转

ios - 如何以编程方式打开我的 UINavigationController?

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cocoa-touch - 我可以手动触发 viewController 上的任何调用supportedInterfaceOrientations吗?

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用于 uinavigationcontroller 的 iOS 开源智能 Controller 推送/弹出库?

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iOS 7/8 : How do I set the Navigation Bar to be pure white (#FFFFFF) and still maintain translucency?

objective-c - iOS : dismiss a modal and push a new viewcontroller on the main NavigationController

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