c# - Parallel.ForEach 不断产生新线程

标签 c# concurrency task-parallel-library parallel.foreach parallel-extensions

当我在我的程序中使用 Parallel.ForEach 时,我发现有些线程似乎永远不会结束。事实上,它一遍又一遍地产生新线程,这是我没有预料到也绝对不希望出现的行为。

我能够使用以下代码重现此行为,就像我的“真实”程序一样,它们都大量使用处理器和内存(.NET 4.0 代码):

public class Node
    public Node Previous { get; private set; }

    public Node(Node previous)
        Previous = previous;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        DateTime startMoment = DateTime.Now;
        int concurrentThreads = 0;

        var jobs = Enumerable.Range(0, 2000);
        Parallel.ForEach(jobs, delegate(int jobNr)
            Interlocked.Increment(ref concurrentThreads);

            int heavyness = jobNr % 9;

            //Give the processor and the garbage collector something to do...
            List<Node> nodes = new List<Node>();
            Node current = null;
            for (int y = 0; y < 1024 * 1024 * heavyness; y++)
                current = new Node(current);

            TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - startMoment;
            int threadsRemaining = Interlocked.Decrement(ref concurrentThreads);
            Console.WriteLine("[{0:mm\\:ss}] Job {1,4} complete. {2} threads remaining.",
                elapsed, jobNr, threadsRemaining);

当在我的四核上运行时,它最初以 4 个并发线程开始,正如您所期望的那样。然而,随着时间的推移,越来越多的线程被创建。最终,该程序会抛出一个 OutOfMemoryException:

[00:00] Job    0 complete. 3 threads remaining.
[00:01] Job    1 complete. 4 threads remaining.
[00:01] Job    2 complete. 4 threads remaining.
[00:02] Job    3 complete. 4 threads remaining.
[00:05] Job    9 complete. 5 threads remaining.
[00:05] Job    4 complete. 5 threads remaining.
[00:05] Job    5 complete. 5 threads remaining.
[00:05] Job   10 complete. 5 threads remaining.
[00:08] Job   11 complete. 5 threads remaining.
[00:08] Job    6 complete. 5 threads remaining.
[00:55] Job   67 complete. 7 threads remaining.
[00:56] Job   81 complete. 8 threads remaining.
[01:54] Job  107 complete. 11 threads remaining.
[02:00] Job  121 complete. 12 threads remaining.
[02:55] Job  115 complete. 19 threads remaining.
[03:02] Job  166 complete. 21 threads remaining.
[03:41] Job  113 complete. 28 threads remaining.


Processor and memory usage


谁能解释为什么会这样,我能做些什么?我只希望 .NET 停止生成新线程,并首先完成现有线程...


您可以通过指定带有 MaxDegreeOfParallelism 属性集的 ParallelOptions 实例来限制创建的最大线程数:

var jobs = Enumerable.Range(0, 2000);
ParallelOptions po = new ParallelOptions
    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount

Parallel.ForEach(jobs, po, jobNr =>
    // ...

至于为什么你会得到你正在观察的行为:默认情况下,TPL (它是 PLINQ 的基础) 可以自由猜测最佳数字要使用的线程数。每当并行任务阻塞时,任务调度程序可能会创建一个新线程以保持进度。在您的情况下,阻塞可能是隐式发生的;例如,通过 Console.WriteLine 调用,或者(如您所见)在垃圾回收期间。

来自 Concurrency Levels Tuning with Task Parallel Library (How Many Threads to Use?) :

Since the TPL default policy is to use one thread per processor, we can conclude that TPL initially assumes that the workload of a task is ~100% working and 0% waiting, and if the initial assumption fails and the task enters a waiting state (i.e. starts blocking) - TPL with take the liberty to add threads as appropriate.

关于c# - Parallel.ForEach 不断产生新线程,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14039051/


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