c# - 在 Visual Studio C# 解决方案中将 DLL 引用替换为项目依赖项的项目引用

标签 c# .net vb.net visual-studio visual-studio-2015

是否可以在 Visual Studio C#/VB.NET 解决方案中以编程方式将 DLL 引用替换为项目依赖项的项目引用?


我正在处理一些遗留代码,其中每个项目的依赖项大多被引用为已编译的 DLL,而不是在解决方案中包含相应项目的项目引用,甚至更糟 - 直接从 GAC 引用!

现在,对于数十个项目中的每个解决方案,我必须手动删除每个 DLL 引用并将其替换为来自 VS UI 的项目引用。

由于 GUID,编辑项目/解决方案 XML .cs​​proj/.sln 文件并不简单:

<!--typical DLL reference-->

    <Reference Include="MyDLL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b6d1e0267e1acba, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

<!--typical Project reference-->

    <ProjectReference Include="..\MyDLL\MyDLL.csproj">





Switches references from file to projects (and vice versa) references when adding projects. References are reverted when the project is removed.


You are developing project A which has a file reference to assembly "b.dll". At some point you need to make changes to "b.dll" . So you add project "B" to the solution. The ReferenceSwitcher will detect that project B produces an assembly called "b.dll" and ask if you want to switch all references from "b.dll" to project B.

Then at some point later, you no longer need project B in your solution, so you remove project B. The reference switcher will detected that references to B used to point to "b.dll" and ask you if you would like to update them.

More info here: http://markkemper1.blogspot.com/2011/09/project-to-file-reference-switcher-for.html

编辑: 有很多插件可以解决您的问题,请查看它们




关于c# - 在 Visual Studio C# 解决方案中将 DLL 引用替换为项目依赖项的项目引用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35923320/


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