PHPUnit RabbitMQ : write test for create connection function

标签 php phpunit rabbitmq

我面临以下问题。我写了一个函数,它在给定所需参数的情况下创建一个连接对象 (AMQPConnection)。现在想写相应的单元测试。如果没有运行 RabbitMQ 代理,我只是不知道该怎么做。这是有问题的功能:

public function getConnection($hostKey, array $params)
    $connection = null;
    try {

        $connection = new AMQPConnection(

        // set this server as default for next connection connectionAttempt
        $this->setDefaultHostConfig($hostKey, $params);

        return $connection;
    } catch (\Exception $ex) {

        if ($this->isAttemptExceeded()) {
            return $connection;
        } else {
            // increment connection connectionAttempt
            $this->setConnectionAttempt($this->getConnectionAttempt() + 1);

            return $this->getConnection($hostKey, $params);



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