java - 为什么使用类型参数调用非参数化方法不会出错?

标签 java generics

我有以下 Java 程序,我原以为它不会编译,但它编译了:

class Test {
    public static void f() {

    void m() {


我的Java编译器版本是:javac 1.7.0_75



这在 JLS, Section 中有说明:

  • If the method invocation includes explicit type arguments, and the member is a generic method, then the number of type arguments is equal to the number of type parameters of the method.

This clause implies that a non-generic method may be potentially applicable to an invocation that supplies explicit type arguments. Indeed, it may turn out to be applicable. In such a case, the type arguments will simply be ignored.

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