java - 如何在 JUnit 中测试 void 方法

标签 java junit


如何使用 JUnit 测试 void 方法。

void add(int a, int b) {
 int c= a + b;



如果方法有副作用,您可以在 JUnit 测试中检查它们。



可以查看JUnit FAQ相关部分:

How do I test a method that doesn't return anything?

Often if a method doesn't return a value, it will have some side effect. Actually, if it doesn't return a value AND doesn't have a side effect, it isn't doing anything.

There may be a way to verify that the side effect actually occurred as expected. For example, consider the add() method in the Collection classes. There are ways of verifying that the side effect happened (i.e. the object was added). You can check the size and assert that it is what is expected:

public void testCollectionAdd() {
    Collection collection = new ArrayList();
    assertEquals(0, collection.size());
    assertEquals(1, collection.size());
    assertEquals(2, collection.size());

Another approach is to make use of MockObjects.

A related issue is to design for testing. For example, if you have a method that is meant to output to a file, don't pass in a filename, or even a FileWriter. Instead, pass in a Writer. That way you can pass in a StringWriter to capture the output for testing purposes. Then you can add a method (e.g. writeToFileNamed(String filename)) to encapsulate the FileWriter creation.

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