java - Java中不同语言环境的日期显示?

标签 java

在 java 中,我如何在不同的语言环境中显示日期(例如俄语)。



Locale locale = new Locale("ru","RU");
DateFormat full = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, locale);
out.println(full.format(new Date()));

应该可以解决问题。但是,出现了Russian Date formatting in jdk1.5的问题。

The deal with Russian language is that month names have different suffix when they are presented stand-alone (i.e. in a list or something) and yet another one when they are part of a formatted date. So, even though March is "Март" in Russian, correctly formatted today's date would be: "7 Марта 2007 г."

Let's see how JDK formats today's date: 7 Март 2007 г. Clearly wrong.

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