java - 使用 Camel 进行 REST 服务调用,需要先调用身份验证 api

标签 java spring rest apache-camel integration

Camel 必须为某些集成调用 REST 服务,但是,REST 服务有一个身份验证 api (POST api),需要先调用它来获取 token ,然后其他后续 api 调用必须使用嵌入的 token 来调用在 HTTP 请求的 header 中。

Spring Restemplate 或 apache camel 是否有一些 api 来支持它们?


按照@gusto2 的方法,它工作得很好。

所以,我创建了两个路由 --> 第一个是基于计时器的,如下所示,它生成 token ,定期刷新它(因为路由是基于计时器的)并将 token 存储在局部变量中以供某些人重用其他路线。

public class RestTokenProducerRoute extends RouteBuilder {

    private String refreshedToken;

    public void configure() throws Exception {


        from("timer://test?period=1200000") //called every 20 mins
                            exchange -> exchange.getIn().setBody(
                                    new UserKeyRequest("apiuser", "password")))
                    .marshal(userKeyRequestJacksonFormat) //convert it to JSON
                    .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST"))
                    .setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, constant("application/json"))
                    .process(new Processor() {
                        public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {   
                            UserKeyResponse response= exchange.getIn().getBody(
                                    UserKeyResponse.class); //get the response object
                            System.out.println(response + "========>>>>>>" +  
                            setRefreshedToken(response.getResult()); //store the token in some object

        public String getRefreshedToken() {
            return refreshedToken;

        public void setRefreshedToken(String refreshedToken) {
            this.refreshedToken = refreshedToken;

而第二个路由可以调用后续的api,这些api将使用第一个路由生成的token,就像这样。必须添加错误处理方案,其中 token 可能无效或已过期。但我想这将是需要单独解决的问题。

public class RestTokenUserOnboardRoute extends RouteBuilder  {

    private JacksonDataFormat OtherDomainUserRequestJacksonFormat = new JacksonDataFormat(
    private JacksonDataFormat OtherDomainUserResponseJacksonFormat = new JacksonDataFormat(
    public void configure() throws Exception {


        //This route is subscribed to a Salesforce topic, which gets invoked when there is any new messages in the topic.
            .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST"))
            .setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, constant("application/json"))
            .log("The token being passed is ==> ${bean:tokenObj?method=getRefreshedToken}")
            .setHeader("Authorization", simple("${bean:tokenObj?method=getRefreshedToken}"))
            .process(new Processor() {
            public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                    OtherDomainUserResponse response = exchange.getIn().getBody(
                            System.out.println(response + "==================>>>>>> " + response.getStatusCode());

因此,这里 token 从 tokenObj bean(RestTokenProducerRoute 的实例,它定义了方法 getRefreshedToken()。它返回存储的 token 。

不用说,您已经在 camelcontext 注册表中设置了 bean 以及其他设置(如组件、路由等),如下所示。就我而言,情况如下。

public RestTokenUserOnboardRoute userOnboardRoute;
public RestTokenProducerRoute serviceTokenProducerRoute;

private RestTokenProducerRoute tokenObj;

protected CamelContext createCamelContext() throws Exception {
    SimpleRegistry registry = new SimpleRegistry(); 
    registry.put("tokenObj", tokenObj); //the tokenObj bean,which can be used anywhere in the camelcontext
    SpringCamelContext camelContext = new SpringCamelContext();
    camelContext.setRegistry(registry); //add the registry
    camelContext.addComponent("salesforce", salesforceComponent());
    camelContext.getTypeConverterRegistry().addTypeConverter(DomainUserRequest.class, MyUser__c.class, new MyTypeConverter());
    camelContext.addRoutes(route()); //Some other route
    camelContext.addRoutes(serviceTokenProducerRoute); //Token producer Route
    camelContext.addRoutes(userOnboardRoute); //Subsequent API call route
    return camelContext;

这解决了我动态设置 token 的问题, token 是由于执行其他路由而生成的。

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