java - 即使使用包装类,SwingWorker 异常也会丢失

标签 java swing swingworker

我一直在努力解决 SwingWorker 吃掉后台任务中抛出的任何异常的可用性问题,例如,描述 on this SO thread .该线程很好地描述了问题,但没有讨论恢复原始异常。

我收到的小程序需要向上传播异常。但我什至没能捕获它。我正在使用 this blog entry 中的 SimpleSwingWorker 包装器类专门尝试解决这个问题。这是一个相当小的类(class),但我会在最后重新发布它以供引用。


try {
    // lots of code here to prepare data, finishing with
    SpecialDataHelper helper = new SpecialDataHelper(...stuff...);
    helper.execute();  // this will call get+done on the actual worker
} catch (Throwable e) {
    // used "Throwable" here in desperation to try and get
    // anything at all to match, including unchecked exceptions
    // no luck, this code is never ever used :-(


class SpecialDataHelper extends SimpleSwingWorker {
    public SpecialDataHelper (SpecialData sd) {
        this.stuff = etc etc etc;
    public Void doInBackground() throws Exception {
        return null;
    protected void done() {
        // called only when successful
        // never reached if there's an error


SimpleSwingWorker 类,仅供引用,为简洁起见没有省略任何内容:

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import javax.swing.SwingWorker;

 * A drop-in replacement for SwingWorker<Void,Void> but will not silently
 * swallow exceptions during background execution.
 * Taken from with thanks.
public abstract class SimpleSwingWorker {
    private final SwingWorker<Void,Void> worker =
        new SwingWorker<Void,Void>() {
            protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception {
                return null;

            protected void done() {
                // Exceptions are lost unless get() is called on the
                // originating thread.  We do so here.
                try {
                } catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
                } catch (final ExecutionException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex.getCause());

    public SimpleSwingWorker() {}

    protected abstract Void doInBackground() throws Exception;
    protected abstract void done();

    public void execute() {


忘掉你的包装器吧,它会吃掉异常,而 SwingWorker 不会。以下是应如何使用 SwingWorker,以及应如何处理从后台任务抛出的特定异常:

class MeaningOfLifeFinder extends SwingWorker<String, Object> {
    public String doInBackground() throws SomeException {
        return findTheMeaningOfLife();

    protected void done() { // called in the EDT. You can update the GUI here, show error dialogs, etc.
        try { 
            String meaningOfLife = get(); // this line can throw InterruptedException or ExecutionException
        catch (ExecutionException e) {
            Throwable cause = e.getCause(); // if SomeException was thrown by the background task, it's wrapped into the ExecutionException
            if (cause instanceof SomeException) {
                // TODO handle SomeException as you want to
            else { // the wrapped throwable is a runtime exception or an error
                // TODO handle any other exception as you want to
        catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            // TODO handle the case where the background task was interrupted as you want to

关于java - 即使使用包装类,SwingWorker 异常也会丢失,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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