ocaml - 我应该将 `header` 和 `data` 放在 Http_client.Convenience.http_post 中的哪里?

标签 ocaml

OCamlnet 3 有 Http_client.Convenience.http_post


val http_post : string -> (string * string) list -> string

Does a "POST" request with the given URL and returns the response body. The list contains the parameters send with the POST request.


我应该在哪里为post请求提供 header 和数据正文?


AFAIR 您无法在便利方法中提供自定义 header 。但是,您始终可以使用管道 API:

let _ =
    let call = new Http_client.post
        [("param", "value")]
    call#set_req_header "User-Agent" "Foozilla 1.0";
    call#set_req_header "Myheader" "foo";
    let pipeline = new Http_client.pipeline in
    pipeline#add call;
    pipeline#run ();

关于ocaml - 我应该将 `header` 和 `data` 放在 Http_client.Convenience.http_post 中的哪里?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17049143/


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