http-post - Ocamlnet 3 的正确使用方法 - Http_client.Convenience.http_post

标签 http-post ocaml

我正在尝试使用 Http_client.Convenience.http_post 发出 http post 请求

API 相当简单:

val http_post : string -> (string * string) list -> string

Does a "POST" request with the given URL and returns the response body. The list contains the parameters send with the POST request.

我想要做的是构建一个 http post 请求,通过 google Flights 获取航类信息,如第 1 部分 中所述这里:


enter image description here

最后,我为其构造了一个 Http_client.Convenience.http_post:

open Http_client.Convenience;;

let post_para = [("(Request-Line)", "POST /flights/rpc HTTP/1.1");
         ("Host", "");
         ("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
         ("X-GWT-Permutation", "0BB89375061712D90759336B50687E78");
         ("X-GWT-Module-Base", "");
         ("Referer", "");
         ("Content-Length", "275");
         ("Cookie", "PREF=ID=2dc218fc830df28d:U=29aaf343dd519bca:FF=0:TM=1307225398:LM=1308065727:GM=1:S=RWC3dYzVvVSpkrlz; NID=52=VTp1QILW1ntPlrkLx7yLUtOYhchNk35G4Lk35KBd7A3lCznVV5glz7lwDoDP2RkjtTJVNZSomv3iffPqiJz4oXfpoph3ljb2eInGOe-FwosvrmSXPpnLkEWxMHIbuaid; S=travel-flights=YFCjkd9M9h3Z_uEqBmgynA");
         ("Pragma", "no-cache");
         ("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
         ("data", "[,[[,\"fs\",\"[,[,[\"SJC\"]\n,\"2012-04-05\",[\"EWR\",\"JFK\",\"LGA\"]\n,\"2012-04-12\"]\n]\n\"]],[,[[,\"b_ca\",\"54\"],[,\"f_ut\",\"search;f=SJC;t=EWR,JFK,LGA;d=2012-04-05;r=2012-04-12\"],[,\"b_lr\",\"11:36\"],[,\"b_lr\",\"1:1528\"],[,\"b_lr\",\"2:1827\"],[,\"b_qu\",\"3\"],[,\"b_qc\",\"1\"]]]]")];;

let search () = try (http_post "" post_para) with
    Http_client.Http_error (id, msg) -> msg;;

let _ = print_endline (search());;


     <TITLE>Internal Server Error</TITLE>
   <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000">
     <H1>Internal Server Error</H1>
     <H2>Error 500</H2>

谁能告诉我为什么?我的 http_post 有什么问题吗?


将其从 post_para 中删除,它不是 HTTP header ,OCamlnet 会自动为您发送:"(Request-Line)", "POST/flights/rpc HTTP/1.1"

要分别发送 header 和 POST 数据,您需要使用 set_request_header 设置 header 在 http_call 对象上。

此外,OCamlnet 中的便利模块会将数据作为 application/x-www-form-urlencoded 发送,但我认为您需要按原样发送数据。您可以使用 Http_client.post_raw 来做到这一点.

关于http-post - Ocamlnet 3 的正确使用方法 - Http_client.Convenience.http_post,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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