Haskell CIS194 Spring 13 作业 6 练习 5

标签 haskell lazy-evaluation



0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, . . . where the nth element in the stream (assuming the first element corresponds to n = 1) is the largest power of 2 which evenly divides n

我有一个可行的解决方案,使用 show 通过 interleaveStreams 函数显示前 20 个元素:

data Stream a = Cons a (Stream a)

streamToList :: Stream a -> [a]
streamToList (Cons a b) = a : streamToList b 

instance Show a => Show (Stream a) where
  show = show . take 20 . streamToList

streamRepeat :: a -> Stream a
streamRepeat a = Cons a (streamRepeat a)

ruler :: Stream Integer
ruler = 
  let s n = interleaveStreams' (streamRepeat n) (s (n+1)) 
  in s 0

interleaveStreams :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
interleaveStreams (Cons x xs) (Cons y ys) = Cons x (Cons y (interleaveStreams xs ys))

interleaveStreams' :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
interleaveStreams' (Cons x xs) y = Cons x $ interleaveStreams' y xs

但是我不明白为什么使用交错函数的标尺不以 Show 终止。


首先恭喜 - 您解决了困难部分;)

对于你的问题:如果你使用interleaveStreams,那么它也会在第二个Cons上进行模式匹配 - 但如果你查看你的代码,你会发现第二部分生成者:

let s n = interleaveStreams ... (s (n+1)) 

因此,如果 interleaveStreams 现在要求它为这部分产生一个缺点,那么您最终会陷入无限循环



s 0
= interleaveStreams (streamRepeat 0) (s 1))
{ need both cons }
= interleaveStreams (Cons 0 (streamRepeat 0)) (s 1)
= interleaveStreams (Cons ...) (interleaveStreams (streamRepeat 1) (s 2))
{ the inner interleaveStream needs both Cons again for it's pattern }
= ...



s 0
= interleaveStreams' (streamRepeat 0) (s 1))
{ need only first Cons for the pattern-match }
= interleaveStreams' (Cons 0 (streamRepeat 0)) (s 1)
= Cons 0 $ interleaveStreams' (s 1) (streamRepeat 0)
= ...

如您所见,您得到了缺点,这是 show/streamToList



顺便说一句:您可以使用 streamMap 在没有 s 内部函数的情况下编写此代码:

ruler :: Stream Integer
ruler = interleaveStreams (streamRepeat 0) (streamMap (+1) ruler)

关于Haskell CIS194 Spring 13 作业 6 练习 5,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37174707/


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