ocaml - 带有可选和可变字段的记录

标签 ocaml ffi bucklescript



type person = {
  mutable age: int;
  job: string;
} [@@bs.deriving abstract]

let joe = person ~age:20 ~job:"teacher"
let () = ageSet joe 21


type person = {
  mutable age: int;
  job: string [@bs.optional];
} [@@bs.deriving abstract]

let joe = person ~age:20 ~job:"teacher"
let () = ageSet joe 21


Line 7, 20: This expression has type unit -> person but an expression was expected of type person

第 7 行是 ageSet 行。



我重新阅读了 documentation这是我错过的部分

Note: now that your creation function contains optional fields, we mandate an unlabeled () at the end to indicate that you've finished applying the function.

type person = {
  mutable age: int;
  job: string [@bs.optional];
} [@@bs.deriving abstract]

let joe = person ~age:20 ~job:"teacher" ()
let () = ageSet joe 21

关于ocaml - 带有可选和可变字段的记录,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51013072/


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