python-3.x - 如何修复 Plotly Dash 中的 'Dropdown Menu Read' 错误

标签 python-3.x plotly plotly-dash



import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output

import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objs as go

# Step 1. Launch the application
app = dash.Dash()

# Step 2. Import the dataset
filepath = ''
st = pd.read_csv(filepath)

# range slider options
st['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(st.Date)
dates = ['2015-02-17', '2015-05-17', '2015-08-17', '2015-11-17',
         '2016-02-17', '2016-05-17', '2016-08-17', '2016-11-17', '2017-02-17']

features = st.columns[1:-1]
opts = [{'label' : i, 'value' : i} for i in features]

# Step 3. Create a plotly figure
trace_1 = go.Scatter(x = st.Date, y = st['AAPL.High'],
                    name = 'AAPL HIGH',
                    line = dict(width = 2,
                                color = 'rgb(229, 151, 50)'))
layout = go.Layout(title = 'Time Series Plot',
                   hovermode = 'closest')
fig = go.Figure(data = [trace_1], layout = layout)

# Step 4. Create a Dash layout
app.layout = html.Div([
                # a header and a paragraph
                    html.H1("This is my first dashboard"),
                    html.P("Dash is so interesting!!")
                     style = {'padding' : '50px' ,
                              'backgroundColor' : '#3aaab2'}),
                # adding a plot
                dcc.Graph(id = 'plot', figure = fig),
                # dropdown
                    html.Label("Choose a feature"),

                # range slider
                    html.Label("Time Period"),
                    dcc.RangeSlider(id = 'slider',
                                    marks = {i : dates[i] for i in range(0, 9)},
                                    min = 0,
                                    max = 8,
                                    value = [1, 7])
                        ], style = {'width' : '80%',
                                    'fontSize' : '20px',
                                    'padding-left' : '100px',
                                    'display': 'inline-block'})

# Step 5. Add callback functions
@app.callback(Output('plot', 'figure'),
             [Input('opt', 'value'),
             Input('slider', 'value')])
def update_figure(input1, input2):
    # filtering the data
    st2 = st[(st.Date > dates[input2[0]]) & (st.Date < dates[input2[1]])]
    # updating the plot
    trace_1 = go.Scatter(x = st2.Date, y = st2['AAPL.High'],
                        name = 'AAPL HIGH',
                        line = dict(width = 2,
                                    color = 'rgb(229, 151, 50)'))
    trace_2 = go.Scatter(x = st2.Date, y = st2[input1],
                        name = str(input1),
                        line = dict(width = 2,
                                    color = 'rgb(106, 181, 135)'))
    fig = go.Figure(data = [trace_1, trace_2], layout = layout)
    return fig

# Step 6. Add the server clause
if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run_server(debug = True)




因为您只在回调中提供两个分散跟踪。两者中,其中一个对于 'AAPL.High' 来说是静态的。因此,您需要将下拉值限制为 Multi=False

仅在选择诸如'AAPL.LOW'之类的选项时才会生成有效的绘图,而dic等其他选项将不会显示第二条迹线。如果您保持multi=True,回调将不会终止,如果始终只选择一个选项,回调仍然会工作。当您选择两个或多个选项时,脚本将失败,因为它会尝试在此处查找数据返回 block 的错误数据:

trace_2 = go.Scatter(x = st2.Date, y = st2[**MULTIINPUT**],
                        name = str(input1),
                        line = dict(width = 2,
                                    color = 'rgb(106, 181, 135)'))

MULTIINPUT 中只允许传递一个列 ID。如果您想引入更多跟踪,请使用 for 循环。


import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output

import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objs as go

# Step 1. Launch the application
app = dash.Dash()

# Step 2. Import the dataset
filepath = ''
st = pd.read_csv(filepath)

# range slider options
st['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(st.Date)
dates = ['2015-02-17', '2015-05-17', '2015-08-17', '2015-11-17',
         '2016-02-17', '2016-05-17', '2016-08-17', '2016-11-17', '2017-02-17']

features = st.columns

opts = [{'label' : i, 'value' : i} for i in features]

# Step 3. Create a plotly figure
trace_1 = go.Scatter(x = st.Date, y = st['AAPL.High'],
                    name = 'AAPL HIGH',
                    line = dict(width = 2,
                                color = 'rgb(229, 151, 50)'))
layout = go.Layout(title = 'Time Series Plot',
                   hovermode = 'closest')
fig = go.Figure(data = [trace_1], layout = layout)

# Step 4. Create a Dash layout
app.layout = html.Div([
                # a header and a paragraph
                    html.H1("This is a Test Dashboard"),
                    html.P("Dash is great!!")
                     style = {'padding' : '50px' ,
                              'backgroundColor' : '#3aaab2'}),
                # adding a plot
                dcc.Graph(id = 'plot', figure = fig),
                # dropdown
                    html.Label("Choose a feature"),

                # range slider
                    html.Label("Time Period"),
                    dcc.RangeSlider(id = 'slider',
                                    marks = {i : dates[i] for i in range(0, 9)},
                                    min = 0,
                                    max = 8,
                                    value = [1, 7])
                        ], style = {'width' : '80%',
                                    'fontSize' : '20px',
                                    'padding-left' : '100px',
                                    'display': 'inline-block'})

# Step 5. Add callback functions
@app.callback(Output('plot', 'figure'),
             [Input('opt', 'value'),
             Input('slider', 'value')])
def update_figure(input1, input2):
    # filtering the data
    st2 = st#[(st.Date > dates[input2[0]]) & (st.Date < dates[input2[1]])]
    # updating the plot
    trace_1 = go.Scatter(x = st2.Date, y = st2['AAPL.High'],
                        name = 'AAPL HIGH',
                        line = dict(width = 2,
                                    color = 'rgb(229, 151, 50)'))
    trace_2 = go.Scatter(x = st2.Date, y = st2[input1],
                        name = str(input1),
                        line = dict(width = 2,
                                    color = 'rgb(106, 181, 135)'))
    fig = go.Figure(data = [trace_1, trace_2], layout = layout)
    return fig

# Step 6. Add the server clause
if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run_server(debug = True)

我希望这能澄清问题并解决您的问题。 :)

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