linux - 使用 YASM 程序集时如何更改 64 位 Linux 中的终端颜色?

标签 linux assembly x86-64 yasm

我试图根据用户输入的 1 到 5 的数字来更改终端的颜色,但它不起作用。



section .data
    reset_color db "\033[0m"  ; ANSI escape code to reset colors
    bg_red db "\033[41m"     ; ANSI escape code for red background color
    bg_green db "\033[42m"   ; ANSI escape code for green background color
    bg_yellow db "\033[43m"  ; ANSI escape code for yellow background color
    bg_blue db "\033[44m"    ; ANSI escape code for blue background color
    bg_magenta db "\033[45m" ; ANSI escape code for magenta background color

section .bss
    number resb 1            ; Variable to store the user-selected number

section .text
    global _start

    ; Reset terminal attributes
    mov rax, 1       ; sys_write
    mov rdi, 1       ; stdout
    mov rsi, reset_color
    mov rdx, 4       ; length of the string

    ; Display a prompt to enter a number
    mov rax, 1       ; sys_write
    mov rdi, 1       ; stdout
    mov rsi, prompt
    mov rdx, prompt_len

    ; Read the user input
    mov rax, 0       ; sys_read
    mov rdi, 0       ; stdin
    mov rsi, number
    mov rdx, 1       ; read one byte

    ; Convert the input to a number
    movzx eax, byte [number]
    sub eax, '0'

    ; Change the background color based on the selected number
    cmp eax, 1
    je change_to_red
    cmp eax, 2
    je change_to_green
    cmp eax, 3
    je change_to_yellow
    cmp eax, 4
    je change_to_blue
    cmp eax, 5
    je change_to_magenta

    ; Invalid input, display an error message
    mov rax, 1       ; sys_write
    mov rdi, 1       ; stdout
    mov rsi, error_message
    mov rdx, error_message_len
    jmp exit_program

    ; Change the background color to red
    mov rax, 1       ; sys_write
    mov rdi, 1       ; stdout
    mov rsi, bg_red
    mov rdx, 5       ; length of the string
    jmp exit_program

    ; Change the background color to green
    mov rax, 1       ; sys_write
    mov rdi, 1       ; stdout
    mov rsi, bg_green
    mov rdx, 5       ; length of the string
    jmp exit_program

    ; Change the background color to yellow
    mov rax, 1       ; sys_write
    mov rdi, 1       ; stdout
    mov rsi, bg_yellow
    mov rdx, 5       ; length of the string
    jmp exit_program

    ; Change the background color to blue
    mov rax, 1       ; sys_write
    mov rdi, 1       ; stdout
    mov rsi, bg_blue
    mov rdx, 5       ; length of the string
    jmp exit_program

    ; Change the background color to magenta
    mov rax, 1       ; sys_write
    mov rdi, 1       ; stdout
    mov rsi, bg_magenta
    mov rdx, 5       ; length of the string

    ; Exit the program
    mov rax, 60      ; sys_exit
    xor rdi, rdi     ; exit code 0

section .data
    prompt db "Enter a number (1-5): ", 0
    prompt_len equ $-prompt

    error_message db "Invalid input!", 0
    error_message_len equ $-error_message


喜欢Jester showed in a comment ,您可以在 db 行中将 \033 写为文字数字 27:

section .data
    reset_color db 27, "[0m"  ; ANSI escape code to reset colors
    bg_color    db 27, "[4?m" ; ANSI escape code for ??? background color
                           \ ? is a placeholder


    ; Read the user input
    mov   eax, 0        ; sys_read
    mov   edi, 0        ; stdin
    mov   rsi, number
    mov   edx, 1        ; read one byte

    ; Patch escape sequence and write it
    mov   rsi, error_message
    mov   edx, error_message_len
    movzx eax, byte [number]
    cmp   al, '1'
    jb    WriteMsg
    cmp   al, '5'
    ja    WriteMsg
    mov   rsi, bg_color
    mov   edx, 5        ; length of the string
    mov   [rsi + 3], al ; This overwrites the placeholder

    ; Changes the background color OR displays error message
    mov   eax, 1        ; sys_write
    mov   edi, 1        ; stdout

    ; Exit the program
    mov   eax, 60       ; sys_exit
    xor   edi, edi      ; exit code 0

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