c++ - SDL 链接器错误

标签 c++ sdl runtime-error

下面的代码非常简单。它只是使用 SDL 将图像绘制到带有背景的屏幕上。我之前能够运行的程序运行良好,可以毫无问题地引用所有内容。



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "SDL/SDL.h"

const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;
const int SCREEN_BPP = 32;

using std::string;

SDL_Surface * load_image(std::string filename)
    SDL_Surface * loadedImage = NULL;

    SDL_Surface * optimizedImage = NULL;

    loadedImage = SDL_LoadBMP(filename.c_str());

    if (loadedImage != NULL)
        optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormat(loadedImage);


    return optimizedImage;

void apply_surface(int x, int y, SDL_Surface * source, SDL_Surface * destination)
    SDL_Rect offset;

    //Give offsets to the rectangle
    offset.x = x;
    offset.y = y;

    SDL_BlitSurface(source, NULL, destination, &offset);

int main(int argc, char * args[])

    if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) == -1 ) 
        return 1;

      SDL_Surface * screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, 

        if (screen == NULL)
            return 1;

            SDL_WM_SetCaption("Hello World", NULL);

            SDL_Surface * message = load_image("hello.bmp");
            SDL_Surface * background = load_image("background.bmp");

            apply_surface(0, 0, background, screen);
            apply_surface(320, 0, background, screen);
            apply_surface(0, 240, background, screen);
            apply_surface(320, 240, background, screen);

            if (SDL_Flip( screen ) == -1)
                return 1;


    return 0;



holland@holland-litevision:~/code/cpp$ g++ main.o
main.o: In function `load_image(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)':
main.cpp:(.text+0x2b): undefined reference to `SDL_RWFromFile'
main.cpp:(.text+0x3b): undefined reference to `SDL_LoadBMP_RW'
main.cpp:(.text+0x4f): undefined reference to `SDL_DisplayFormat'
main.cpp:(.text+0x5d): undefined reference to `SDL_FreeSurface'
main.o: In function `apply_surface(int, int, SDL_Surface*, SDL_Surface*)':
main.cpp:(.text+0x97): undefined reference to `SDL_UpperBlit'
main.o: In function `main':
main.cpp:(.text+0xaf): undefined reference to `SDL_Init'
main.cpp:(.text+0xe7): undefined reference to `SDL_SetVideoMode'
main.cpp:(.text+0x110): undefined reference to `SDL_WM_SetCaption'
main.cpp:(.text+0x24c): undefined reference to `SDL_Flip'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


您没有在 SDL 库中进行链接。试试这个:

g++ main.o `sdl-config --libs`

关于c++ - SDL 链接器错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7219018/


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