条件分布的 R 图。 cdplot() 似乎没有这样做

标签 r plot density-plot


> data("household", package="HSAUR2")
> household[c(1,5,10,30,40),]
   housing food goods service gender total
1      820  114   183     154 female  1271
5      721   83   176     104 female  1084
10     845   64  1935     414 female  3258
30    1641  440  6471    2063   male 10615
40    1524  964  1739    1410   male  5637



cdplot(gender ~ total, data=household)


enter image description here

我想要同一张图片,其中 x 轴为“总”支出,但 y 轴为四个类别(住房、食品、商品、服务)的条件分布。我只能想到一个非常肮脏的黑客,我生成一个因子,并且对于第一个数据行,我重复“住房”820 次,然后重复“食物”114 次,等等。




相反,您需要对数据进行建模。具体来说,您希望预测每个类别中支出的预期部分作为总支出的函数。然后,您设想的图显示该模型的拟合值(即任何区域的支出的预测比例)作为总支出的函数。下面是一些使用 loess 曲线执行此操作的代码。我绘制了原始数据和拟合值,向您展示发生了什么。

# setup the data
data("household", package = "HSAUR2")
household$total <- rowSums(household[,1:4])
household <- within(household, {
    housing <- housing/total
    food <- food/total
    goods <- goods/total
    service <- service/total

# estimate loess curves
l_list <-
list(loess(housing ~ total, data = household),
     loess(food ~ total, data = household),
     loess(goods ~ total, data = household),
     loess(service ~ total, data = household))

# stack fitted curves on top of one another
ndat <- data.frame(total = seq(min(household$total), max(household$total), 100))
p <- lapply(l_list, predict, newdata = ndat)
for(i in 2:length(l_list))
    p[[i]] <- p[[i]] + p[[i-1]]

# plot
plot(NA, xlim=range(household$total), ylim = c(0,1), xlab='Total', ylab='Percent', las=1, xaxs='i')
# plot dots
with(household, points(total, housing, pch = 20, col = palette()[1]))
with(household, points(total, housing + food, pch = 20, col = palette()[2]))
with(household, points(total, housing + food + goods, pch = 20, col = palette()[3]))
with(household, points(total, housing + food + goods + service, pch = 20, col = palette()[4]))
# plot fitted lines
for(i in 1:length(p))
    lines(ndat$total, p[[i]], type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = palette()[i])


enter image description here


plot(NA, xlim=range(household$total), ylim = c(0,1), xlab='Total', ylab='Percent', las=1, xaxs='i')
with(household, lines(total[order(total)], housing[order(total)], pch = 20, col = palette()[1]))
with(household, lines(total[order(total)], (housing + food)[order(total)], pch = 20, col = palette()[2]))
with(household, lines(total[order(total)], (housing + food + goods)[order(total)], pch = 20, col = palette()[3]))
with(household, lines(total[order(total)], (housing + food + goods + service)[order(total)], pch = 20, col = palette()[4]))


enter image description here

关于条件分布的 R 图。 cdplot() 似乎没有这样做,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26840509/


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