opengl - 如何在SSBO中设置数组对齐方式

标签 opengl glsl shader


struct Particle {
    float delta;
    float start_posx;
    float start_posy;
    float start_posz;
    float restart;
    uint max_textures;
    float max_lifetime;

现在我想在 SSBO 中使用这个结构:

layout (std430, binding = 12) buffer particleBlock {
    Particle particles[];

我假设 ssbo 中的粒子是紧密堆积的,因为所有结构成员的大小均为 4。如果我将对齐设置为 16:

layout (std430, binding = 12) buffer particleBlock {
    layout(align = 16) Particle particles[];



单个数组元素无法通过 align 限定符对齐。只能对齐数组的开头。

GLSL - The OpenGL Shading Language 4.6; 4.4.5. Uniform and Shader Storage Block Layout Qualifiers; page 85 :

The align qualifier makes the start of each block member have a minimum byte alignment. It does not affect the internal layout within each member, which will still follow the std140 or std430 rules.
When align is applied to an array, it affects only the start of the array, not the array’s internal stride.

如果您使用 std140 限定符,则结构体 Particle 的数组的步幅将为 32,因为步幅向上舍入为基数的倍数vec4 的对齐方式,即 16。

请注意,std140std430 标准之间的主要区别是,在以下情况下,数组元素的跨度不会四舍五入为 16 字节的倍数:标准430。


struct Particle {
    float delta;        //  0
    float start_posx;   //  4
    float start_posy;   //  8
    float start_posz;   // 12
    float restart;      // 16
    uint  max_textures; // 20
    float max_lifetime; // 24
    float dummy;        // 28: dummy member for the alignment

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