Prolog 变量名以下划线开头,然后大写

标签 prolog


cityinCountry(paris, france ) . /* Paris is a city in France*/
cityinCountry(berlin, germany).
cityinCountry(cairo, egypt).
cityinCountry(munich, germany). 

为什么cityinCountry(_City, germany).返回True,而cityinCountry(City, germany).返回berlin;慕尼黑



它仍然是一个变量,但是通过在查询中使用这个名称,您就告诉 Prolog(或者至少是 Prolog 的实现)您不想显示它的值。例如。 cityInCountry(_City, Country) 将打印预期的四个结果,但仅显示 Country 值。

奇怪的是,我找不到这方面的明确文档,例如在 。它给出的唯一区别是

A singleton variable is a variable that appears only one time in a clause. It can always be replaced by _, the anonymous variable. In some cases, however, people prefer to give the variable a name. As mistyping a variable is a common mistake, Prolog systems generally give a warning (controlled by style_check/1) if a variable is used only once. The system can be informed that a variable is meant to appear once by starting it with an underscore, e.g., _Name.

我能找到的最接近的是 :

This indicates what the _ variable is actually representing, but has the feature that the binding of _Anybody typically doesn't get reported when Prolog finds a solution.

但是 _Anybody 位于规则主体内,无论如何都不会在现代 Prolog 实现中报告。

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