没有 GCC 编译器警告的 C++11 变量缩小

标签 c++ c++11



constexpr int a = 255;
unsigned char b = a;      // OK
unsigned char c = a + 1;  // Error... expected


int d = 256;
unsigned char e = d;  // Maybe OK because 'd' is not constexpr


int f = 42.0;  // Maybe OK because no fractional part
int g = 42.1;  // OK... should fail!!
constexpr float h = 42.7;
int i = h;     // OK... should fail???

我正在使用 g++ 4.6.2。我搜索了 GCC 错误数据库,但没有找到任何相关内容。谢谢!




初始化器列表(§ 8.5.4)


对于初始化器列表,不允许使用以下内容(§ 8.5.4,3. 下)

int ai[] = { 1, 2.0 }; // error narrowing

6. 下,它继续给出了示例的一般列表:

[ Note: As indicated above, such conversions are not allowed at the top level in list-initializations.—end note ]

int x = 999; // x is not a constant expression
const int y = 999;
const int z = 99;
char c1 = x; // OK, though it might narrow (in this case, it does narrow)
char c2{x}; // error: might narrow
char c3{y}; // error: narrows (assuming char is 8 bits)
char c4{z}; // OK: no narrowing needed
unsigned char uc1 = {5}; // OK: no narrowing needed
unsigned char uc2 = {-1}; // error: narrows
unsigned int ui1 = {-1}; // error: narrows
signed int si1 =
{ (unsigned int)-1 }; // error: narrows
int ii = {2.0}; // error: narrows
float f1 { x }; // error: might narrow
float f2 { 7 }; // OK: 7 can be exactly represented as a float
int f(int);
int a[] = { 2, f(2), f(2.0) }; // OK: the double-to-int conversion is not at the top level

有趣的是,带有 --std=c++0x -Wall -pedantic 的 g++ 4.6.1 捕获了这些违规中的只有一个:

    char c3{y}; // warning: overflow in implicit constant conversion [-Woverflow]


我不认为将 float 截断为 int 被认为是 narrowing


int i = 31;
i /= 4;   // well defined loss of precision...   
i /= 4.0; // equally well-defined conversion from floating point to int

关于没有 GCC 编译器警告的 C++11 变量缩小,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8251059/


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