coq - 如何使用 Coq 构建一阶逻辑项?

标签 coq first-order-logic

我正在尝试在 Coq 中定义一阶逻辑,并从术语开始。 假设c1c2是两个常量符号,变量分别是natf1f2是两个函数符号,其参数分别为1和2,我写了下面的代码。

Definition var := nat.

Inductive const : Type :=
| c1
| c2.

Inductive term : Type :=
| Con : const -> term
| Var : var -> term
| F1 : term -> term
| F2 : term -> term -> term.


Check term_ind.
(* ==> term_ind
     : forall P : term -> Prop,
       (forall c : const, P (Con c)) ->
       (forall v : var, P (Var v)) ->
       (forall t : term, P t -> P (F1 t)) ->
       (forall t : term, P t -> forall t0 : term, P t0 -> P (F2 t t0)) ->
       forall t : term, P t *)


(*Idea A*)
Inductive funct {X : Type} : Type :=
| f1 : X -> funct
| f2 : X -> X -> funct.

Inductive term : Type :=
| Con : const -> term
| Var : var -> term
| Fun : @funct term -> term.

Check term_ind.
(* ==> term_ind
     : forall P : term -> Prop,
       (forall c : const, P (Con c)) ->
       (forall v : var, P (Var v)) ->
       (forall f1 : funct, P (Fun f1)) -> 
       forall t : term, P t *)
Check funct_ind term.
(* ==> funct_ind term
     : forall P : funct -> Prop,
       (forall x : term, P (f1 x)) ->
       (forall x x0 : term, P (f2 x x0)) -> 
       forall f1 : funct, P f1 *)
(*Idea B*)
Inductive term : Type :=
| Con : const -> term
| Var : var -> term
| Fun : funct -> term
with funct : Type :=
| f1 : term -> funct
| f2 : term -> term -> funct.

Check term_ind.
(* ==> term_ind
     : forall P : term -> Prop,
       (forall c : const, P (Con c)) ->
       (forall v : var, P (Var v)) ->
       (forall f1 : funct, P (Fun f1)) ->
       forall t : term, P t *)
Check funct_ind.
(* ==> funct_ind
     : forall P : funct -> Prop,
       (forall t : term, P (f1 t)) ->
       (forall t t0 : term, P (f2 t t0)) ->
       forall f1 : funct, P f1 *)


如何在不丢失正确归纳的情况下构造具有与 term 定义分离的函数的 term



这是 Coq 的一个常见问题:为互归纳类型和具有复杂递归发生的类型生成的归纳原理太弱。幸运的是,这可以通过手动定义归纳原理来解决。在你的例子中,最简单的方法是使用互归纳定义,因为 Coq 可以帮助我们证明这个原理。

首先,让 Coq 不要生成它的弱默认归纳原理:

Unset Elimination Schemes.
Inductive term : Type :=
| Con : const -> term
| Var : var -> term
| Fun : funct -> term
with funct : Type :=
| f1 : term -> funct
| f2 : term -> term -> funct.
Set Elimination Schemes.



Scheme term_ind' := Induction for term Sort Prop
with funct_ind' := Induction for funct Sort Prop.

 : forall (P : term -> Prop) (P0 : funct -> Prop),
   (forall c : const, P (Con c)) ->
   (forall v : var, P (Var v)) ->
   (forall f1 : funct, P0 f1 -> P (Fun f1)) ->
   (forall t : term, P t -> P0 (f1 t)) ->
   (forall t : term, P t -> forall t0 : term, P t0 -> P0 (f2 t t0)) ->
   forall t : term, P t

这个原理已经足够强大,足以让我们证明term的属性,但是使用起来有点尴尬,因为它要求我们指定一个我们想要证明的关于的属性>funct 类型(P0 谓词)。我们可以稍微简化一下,以避免提及这个辅助谓词:我们需要知道的是函数调用中的术语满足我们想要证明的谓词。

Definition lift_pred (P : term -> Prop) (f : funct) : Prop :=
  match f with
  | f1 t => P t
  | f2 t1 t2 => P t1 /\ P t2

Lemma term_ind (P : term -> Prop) :
  (forall c, P (Con c)) ->
  (forall v, P (Var v)) ->
  (forall f, lift_pred P f -> P (Fun f)) ->
  forall t, P t.
intros HCon HVar HFun.
apply (term_ind' P (lift_pred P)); trivial.
now intros t1 IH1 t2 IH2; split.


Reset term_ind.
Lemma term_ind (P : term -> Prop) :
  (forall c, P (Con c)) ->
  (forall v, P (Var v)) ->
  (forall t, P t -> P (Fun (f1 t))) ->
  (forall t1, P t1 -> forall t2, P t2 -> P (Fun (f2 t1 t2))) ->
  forall t, P t.
intros HCon HVar HFun_f1 HFun_f2.
apply (term_ind' P (lift_pred P)); trivial.
- now intros [t|t1 t2]; simpl; intuition.
- now simpl; intuition.



Definition var := nat.

Inductive const : Type :=
| c1
| c2.

Inductive funct (X : Type) : Type :=
| f1 : X -> funct X
| f2 : X -> X -> funct X.
Arguments f1 {X} _.
Arguments f2 {X} _ _.

Unset Elimination Schemes.
Inductive term : Type :=
| Con : const -> term
| Var : var -> term
| Fun : funct term -> term.
Set Elimination Schemes.

Definition term_ind (P : term -> Type)
  (HCon : forall c, P (Con c))
  (HVar : forall v, P (Var v))
  (HF1  : forall t, P t -> P (Fun (f1 t)))
  (HF2  : forall t1, P t1 -> forall t2, P t2 -> P (Fun (f2 t1 t2))) :
  forall t, P t :=
  fix loop (t : term) : P t :=
    match t with
    | Con c => HCon c
    | Var v => HVar v
    | Fun (f1 t) => HF1 t (loop t)
    | Fun (f2 t1 t2) => HF2 t1 (loop t1) t2 (loop t2)

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