math - 如何描述 Coq 中的一对多关系?

标签 math logic relation coq theorem-proving

我正在阅读 B.Russell 的《数学哲学导论》一书,并试图将其中描述的所有定理形式化。

一对多关系由以下文本 ( contexts on book ) 描述。

One-many relations may be defined as relations such that, if x has the relation in question to y, there is no other term x' which also has the relation to y.

Or, again, they may be defined as follows: Given two terms x and x', the terms to which x has the given relation and those to which x' has it have no member in common.

Or, again, they may be defined as relations such that the relative product of one of them and its converse implies identity, where the “relative product” of two relations R and S is that relation which holds between x and z when there is an intermediate term y, such that x has the relation R to y and y has the relation S to z.



Definition one_many {X} (R : relation X) : Prop :=
  forall x y, R x y -> forall x', x <> x' -> ~(R x' y).

Definition one_many' {X} (R : relation X) : Prop :=
  forall x x' y, R x y -> R x' y -> x = x'.

Inductive relative_product
          {X} (R: relation X) (S: relation X) : relation X :=
  | rp0 : forall x y, forall z, R x y -> S y z -> relative_product R S x z.
Inductive converse {X} (R : relation X) : relation X :=
  | cv0 : forall x y, R x y -> converse R y x.
Inductive id {X} : relation X :=
  | id0 : forall x, id x x.

Definition one_many'' {X} (R : relation X) : Prop :=
  forall x y, relative_product R (converse R) x y <-> id x y.


Goal forall {X} (R : relation X),
    one_many'' R <-> (forall x y, R x y -> forall x', converse R y x' -> x = x').
  intros. unfold one_many''. split.

  assert (relative_product R (converse R) x x' <-> id x x'). apply H.
  inversion H2. apply id_eqv. apply H3.
  apply rp0 with y. assumption. assumption.

  split. intro.
  inversion H0. subst.
  apply id_eqv. apply H with y0.
  assumption. assumption.

   (* I'm stuck here. This subgoal is obviously not provable. *)

其中证明,id_eqvLemma id_eqv : forall {X} (x:X) (y:X), x = y <-> id x y , 很容易提前证明。




Or, again, they may be defined as relations such that the relative product of one of them and its converse implies identity


forall x y, relative_product R (converse R) x y -> id x y


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