c++ - 我是否必须明确地销毁对象才能

标签 c++ class struct destructor


struct Dog {};

struct Animal
    Dog* dog1 = new Dog;
    Dog* dog2 = new Dog;
        delete dog2;     // First delete dog2
        delete dog1;     // Then delete dog1
    // Or do I?


struct Animal
     Dog dog1;
     // ~Animal(){}implicitly defined destructor here. dog1 isn't destroyed here
    // But is destroyed here, or after, or something along those lines with separate code that the compiler generates?




But if I have to destroy members myself do I have to do it in the exact order that they are listed?



I think the destructor that's provided is an empty one. So when I hear that the class will call the destructors of its members when it goes out of scope, it doesn't do that in its own destructor, but after it, with code that the compiler generates separately?



关于c++ - 我是否必须明确地销毁对象才能,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41349634/


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