c++ - 如何从函数指针调用非静态方法?

标签 c++


typedef void (*action)();
typedef std::unordered_map<int, action> keybindMap; // maps keycodes to functions

class Person {
    keybindMap keybinds;
    void doSomething();


iter = keybinds.find(event.key.keysym.sym); // event.key.keysym.sym is the key code
if (iter != keybinds.end())
    (*iter->second)(); // call whatever function that key is bound to.

为了绑定(bind)按键,我使用了keybinds.insert_or_assign(SDLK_a, doSomething)。但是,这不起作用(因为 doSomething 是非静态的)。如何更改绑定(bind)代码和/或 (*i​​ter->second)() 部分,以便我可以调用与 person.doSomething 等效的内容?



如果您将映射更改为保存 std::function,则可以使用 std::bind() 或 lambda 将对象与方法关联起来指针,例如:

using action = std::function<void()>;
using keybindMap = std::unordered_map<int, action>;

class Person {
    keybindMap keybinds;
    void doSomething();


Person p, otherP; //must outlive the map...
p.keybinds[...] = [&otherP](){ otherP.doSomething(); } 


iter = keybinds.find(event.key.keysym.sym);
if (iter != keybinds.end()) {

另一方面,如果所有目标方法都在同一个类/对象中,则可以使用普通方法指针而不是 std::function,这会减少一些开销,例如:

class Person {
    using action = void (Person::*)();
    using keybindMap = std::unordered_map<int, action>; 

    keybindMap keybinds;
    void doSomething();


keybinds[...] = &Person::doSomething;


iter = keybinds.find(event.key.keysym.sym);
if (iter != keybinds.end()) {

关于c++ - 如何从函数指针调用非静态方法?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71029221/


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