c++ - 没有 RTTI 的 ASIO

标签 c++ g++ boost-asio c++20 rtti

我尝试在没有 rtti 的情况下使用 ASIO (1.24),但总是收到 undefined reference 错误。 所以我做了一个简单的测试程序来重现问题:

main.cpp :

#include "asio.hpp"

int main()
    asio::io_context io;

    return 0;


g++-12 -o Test -std=c++20 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -I../libs/Asio/1.24.0/include Main.cpp


undefined reference to `void asio::detail::throw_exception<std::system_error>(std::system_error const&)'
undefined reference to `void asio::detail::throw_exception<asio::invalid_service_owner>(asio::invalid_service_owner const&)'
undefined reference to `void asio::detail::throw_exception<asio::service_already_exists>(asio::service_already_exists const&)'



Boost documentation states如果您在没有异常支持的情况下进行编译,则需要提供 throw_exception 函数:

This macro disables exception handling in Boost, forwarding all exceptions to a user-defined non-template version of boost::throw_exception. However, unless BOOST_EXCEPTION_DISABLE is also defined, users can still examine the exception object for any data added at the point of the throw, or use boost::diagnostic_information (of course under BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS, the user-defined boost::throw_exception is not allowed to return to the caller.)

我认为这与独立的 Asio 密切相关

关于c++ - 没有 RTTI 的 ASIO,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74098761/


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