SQL 如何根据当前事件和下一个事件确定操作的持续时间?

标签 sql postgresql


<表类=“s-表”> <标题> 时间 Action <正文> 2023-07-27 04:52:00.000 正在运行 2023-07-27 04:55:00.000 步行 2023-07-27 04:59:00.000 步行 2023-07-27 05:01:00.000 坐着 2023-07-27 05:06:00.000 步行 2023-07-27 05:10:00.000 正在运行

但如何知道结束时间呢?即下一个 Action 的开始与当前 Action 不同?

“行走” Action 示例

<表类=“s-表”> <标题> 时间开始 time_end <正文> 2023-07-27 04:55:00.000 2023-07-27 05:01:00.000 2023-07-27 05:06:00.000 2023-07-27 05:10:00.000



I think you could use the lag function to achieve your goal.

    time as time_start,
    lag(time, -1) over(order by time) as time_end
from <table_name>

In this case the time_end for the last row will be equal to NULL, which I think is correct, as it isn't known yet.

编辑:在 @Tim Biegeleisen 发表评论之后,这是基于他的工作的更新答案。但是,它可以正确找到相同连续操作组的 time_end 值。

WITH data AS (
    SELECT '2023-07-27 04:52:00.000' AS time, 'running' AS action UNION ALL
    SELECT '2023-07-27 04:53:00.000', 'running' UNION ALL
    SELECT '2023-07-27 04:55:00.000', 'walking' UNION ALL
    SELECT '2023-07-27 04:59:00.000', 'walking' UNION ALL
    SELECT '2023-07-27 05:01:00.000', 'sitting' UNION ALL
    SELECT '2023-07-27 05:06:00.000', 'walking' UNION ALL
    SELECT '2023-07-27 05:10:00.000', 'walking' UNION ALL
    SELECT '2023-07-27 05:12:00.000', 'walking' UNION ALL
    SELECT '2023-07-27 05:15:00.000', 'walking' UNION ALL
    SELECT '2023-07-27 05:20:00.000', 'running' 
withLag AS (
        time AS start_time,
        LAG(time) OVER (ORDER BY time desc) AS next_time,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY time) AS row_num,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY action ORDER BY time) AS group_num
    FROM data
SELECT action, min(start_time) as time_start, max(next_time) as time_end
FROM withLag
GROUP BY action, row_num - group_num
order by time_start


enter image description here

关于SQL 如何根据当前事件和下一个事件确定操作的持续时间?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76778105/


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