SQL - 时间序列 - 对于缺失值返回 0

标签 sql sql-server azure time-series

我有一个名为 MY_TABLE(例如)的 MS/Azure SQL 表,其中包含两列:

  • datetime : INT = UNIX 纪元(测量的日期和时间)
  • val : DECIMAL(测量值)

此表表示时间序列,通常分辨率为 1 分钟。数据中可能存在一些差距/缺失值。 SQL 数据库链接到 Django Web 应用程序,其中时间序列将显示在图表上。

我使用以下查询来检索两个日期之间 1 小时分辨率的聚合数据:

    WITH time_table as (
        SELECT cast(dateadd(second, datetime, '19700101') as DATETIME) as calendar_date,val,datetime as epoch
        WHERE datetime>=1451628000 and datetime<1452755200
    SELECT min(epoch),avg(val) 
    FROM time_table
    GROUP BY YEAR(calendar_date),MONTH(calendar_date),DAY(calendar_date),datepart(hour,calendar_date)
    ORDER BY min(calendar_date) ASC

此查询返回 1 小时时间段内聚合的平均值。


  1. 即使表中没有相应的数据,如何在所有时间步骤将此查询修改为值 (0)。更清楚地说,我希望结果是一个连续的时间序列,没有任何时间间隙




create table dbo.Hours (
   EpochStart bigint not null primary key clustered
 , EpochEnd   bigint not null
 , Datetime_Hour datetime not null
 , Datetime_NextHour datetime not null

declare @fromdate datetime = '20160101';
declare @thrudate datetime = '20161231';

;with n as (select n from (values(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) t(n))
, Hours as (
  select top ((datediff(day, @fromdate,@thrudate)+1)*24)
      [Datetime_Hour]=convert(datetime,dateadd(hour,row_number() over(order by (select 1))-1,@fromdate))
     ,[Datetime_NextHour]=convert(datetime,dateadd(hour,row_number() over(order by (select 1)),@fromdate))
  from n as deka cross join n as hecto cross join n as kilo 
                cross join n as tenK cross join n as hundredK
   order by 1
insert into dbo.Hours
   EpochStart = datediff(second,'19700101',Datetime_Hour)
 , EpochEnd   = datediff(second,'19700101',Datetime_NextHour)
 , Datetime_Hour
 , Datetime_NextHour
from Hours;


 , avg(val)
from dbo.Hours h
  left join MY_TABLE t
    on t.datetime >= h.EpochStart
   and t.datetime <  h.EpochEnd
where h.EpochStart >= 1451628000
  and h.EpochStart <  1452755200
group by h.EpochStart

rextester 演示:http://rextester.com/INZW16141

关于SQL - 时间序列 - 对于缺失值返回 0,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43077388/


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