php - OOP 设计问题 - 避免在类似的类中重复代码?

标签 php oop design-patterns

我正在用 PHP 为我们正在开发的网站的服务器端部分编写一堆类。这些类看起来像这样:

class SomeEntity {
    // These fields are often different in different classes
    private $field1 = 0, $field2 = 0, ... ;

    // All of the classes have one of these
    static function create($field1, $field2) {
        // Do database stuff in here...

    // All of the classes have similar constructors too
    function __construct($id_number) {
        // Do more database stuff in here...

    // Various functions specific to this class
    // Some functions in common with other classes

问题是有很多这样的类,它们都需要有类似的构造函数和一些常见的函数,所以我理想情况下希望编写一个父类(super class)来处理所有这些东西,以便最小化复制/粘贴在。然而,每个子类都有不同的实例变量和参数,那么设计父类(super class)的最佳方式是什么?





abstract class AbstractEntity {

  protected $properties;

  public function setData($data){
    foreach($this->properties as $p){
        if (isset($data[$p])) $this->$p = $data[$p];

  public function toArray(){
    $array = array();
    foreach($this->properties as $p){
       $array[$p] = $this->$p;
       //some types of properties might get special handling
       if ($p instanceof DateTime){
           $array[$p] = $this->$p->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

  public function __set($pname,$pvalue){
     if (! in_array($pname,$this->properties)){
        throw new Exception("'$pname' is not a valid property!");
     $this->$pname = $pvalue;


class Person extends AbstractEntity {
   protected $properties = array('firstname','lastname','email','created','modified');

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