c# - 通过公共(public)属性访问私有(private)变量

标签 c# asp.net .net private-members

我似乎无法通过不同类的公共(public)属性访问我的私有(private)成员变量。我正在尝试通过 Student 类实例化 StudentList 中的一些 Student 对象。我以前做过,但我一生都记不起或找不到任何有效的东西。我对编程还比较陌生,所以对我来说要轻松一些。


public partial class Student : Page
    public int StudentID { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public double CurrentSemesterHours { get; set; }
    public DateTime UniversityStartDate { get; set; }
    public string Major { get; set; }
    public string FullName
        get { return FirstName + " " + LastName; }

    new DateTime TwoYearsAgo = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-24);

    public Boolean InStateEligable
            if (UniversityStartDate < TwoYearsAgo) // at first glance this looks to be wrong but when comparing DateTimes it works correctly
                return true;
            else { return false; }
    public decimal CalculateTuition()
        double tuitionRate;
        if (InStateEligable == true)
            tuitionRate = 2000;
            tuitionRate = 6000;
        decimal tuition = Convert.ToDecimal(tuitionRate * CurrentSemesterHours);
        return tuition;

    public Student(int studentID, string firstName, string lastName, double currentSemesterHours, DateTime universityStartDate, string major)
            StudentID = studentID;
            FirstName = firstName;
            LastName = lastName;
            CurrentSemesterHours = currentSemesterHours;
            UniversityStartDate = universityStartDate;
            Major = major;

StudentList 类代码现在基本上是空白的。我一直在摆弄它,试图让智能感知访问我的其他类(class),但到目前为止还没有运气。我一定错过了一些简单的东西。

public partial class StudentList : Page



"I can't seem to access my private member variables through their public properties from a different class..."



1) 避免使用与代码隐藏和域模型类相同的类。我强烈建议您仅使用属性/业务方法创建一个单独的“Student”类,并将代码保留为单独的“StudentPage”类。这使得您的代码更易于使用,因为不同的关注点是分开的( View 逻辑 x 业务逻辑),并且每个类都应该有不同的生命周期。


private int StudentID;
public int studentID
        return StudentID;
        StudentID = value;


public int StudentId { get; set; }

关于c# - 通过公共(public)属性访问私有(private)变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15127257/


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