gnuplot - 让 gnuplot 并排放置条形图

标签 gnuplot bar-chart

我有以下 gnuplot 脚本:

set autoscale
unset log
unset label
unset term
unset output
set xtics rotate by -90
set ytic auto
unset title
set xlabel "Survey metadata attribute subset"
set ylabel "Accuracy of classifier (%)"
set boxwidth 0.1
set style fill solid
set term eps
set output "metadata.eps"
plot "metadata.dat" using 1:3:xtic(2) title "PART" with boxes, \
     "metadata.dat" using 1:5:xtic(2) title "JRip" with boxes, \
     "metadata.dat" using 1:7:xtic(2) title "FURIA" with boxes

但是,这会将所有 3 组条形图绘制在彼此之上,而我希望它们并排按此顺序组合在一起。所以它应该是这样的:PARTbar、JRipbar、FURIAbar、gap、PARTbar、JRipbar、FURIAbar、gap 等。我该怎么做呢?


我猜你想要的是set style histogram clustered


set style histogram clustered
set xtics rotate by -90
unset title
set xlabel "Survey metadata attribute subset"
set ylabel "Accuracy of classifier (%)"
set boxwidth 1
set style fill solid
set term png
set output "so.png"
plot [-0.5:2.75][1:17] "so.dat"using 3:xtic(2) title "PART" with histograms, \
     "" using 4 title "JRip" with histograms, \
     "" using 5 title "FURIA" with histograms


enter image description here



1   a   10  12  15
2   b   12  14  16
3   c   11  15  14

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