python-3.x - 使用 Doc2Vec 的句子列表之间的余弦相似度

标签 python-3.x nlp data-science cosine-similarity doc2vec

我是 NLP 的新手,但我正在尝试根据语义相似性将一个句子列表与 Python 中的另一个句子列表相匹配。例如,

list1 = ['what they ate for lunch', 'height in inches', 'subjectid']
list2 = ['food eaten two days ago', 'height in centimeters', 'id']

根据之前的帖子和先验知识,似乎最好的方法是为每个句子创建文档向量并计算列表之间的余弦相似度得分。我发现的关于 Doc2Vec 的其他帖子以及教程似乎侧重于预测。 This post 在手工计算方面做得很好,但我认为 Doc2Vec 已经可以做到这一点了。我使用的代码是

import gensim
from gensim.models.doc2vec import Doc2Vec, TaggedDocument

def build_model(train_docs, test_docs, comp_docs):
    train_docs: list of lists - combination of known both sentence list
    test_docs: list of lists - one of the sentence lists
    comp_docs: list of lists - combined sentence lists to match the index to the sentence 
    # Train model
    model = Doc2Vec(dm = 0, dbow_words = 1, window = 2, alpha = 0.2)#, min_alpha = 0.025)
    for epoch in range(10):
        model.train(train_docs, total_examples = model.corpus_count, epochs = epoch)
        #model.alpha -= 0.002
        #model.min_alpha = model.alpha

    scores = []

    for doc in test_docs:
        dd = {}
        # Calculate the cosine similarity and return top 40 matches
        score = model.docvecs.most_similar([model.infer_vector(doc)],topn=40)
        key = " ".join(doc)
        for i in range(len(score)):
            # Get index and score
            x, y = score[i]
            # Match sentence from other list
            nkey = ' '.join(comp_docs[x])
            dd[nkey] = y
        scores.append({key: dd})

    return scores

用于计算相似度分数,但这里的问题是我必须针对两个列表或其中一个列表中的所有句子训练模型,然后进行匹配。有没有办法使用 Doc2Vec 来获取向量,然后计算余弦相似度?明确地说,我试图在列表之间找到最相似的句子。我希望输出像

scores = []
for s1 in list1:
    for s2 in list2:
        scores.append((s1, s2, similarity(s1, s2)))

[('what they ate for lunch', 'food eaten two days ago', 0.23567),
 ('what they ate for lunch', 'height in centimeters', 0.120),
 ('what they ate for lunch', 'id', 0.01023),
 ('height in inches', 'food eaten two days ago', 0.123),
 ('height in inches', 'height in centimeters', 0.8456),
 ('height in inches', 'id', 0.145),
 ('subjectid', 'food eaten two days ago', 0.156),
 ('subjectid', 'height in centimeters', 0.1345),
 ('subjectid', 'id', 0.9567)]





model = Doc2Vec.load("similar_sentence.model")



Semantic “Similar Sentences” with your dataset-NLP

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