java - 如何在 spigot 插件中生成生物群系

标签 java minecraft


例如,如果我有平原生物群落,最大噪声高度为 8,而在山地生物群落中,最大噪声高度为 64,并且这些生物群落之间的过渡会平滑。

我已经有了代码,此代码生成生物群系方 block 并且生物群系之间的过渡不平滑:/


public class Generator extends ChunkGenerator {

SimplexOctaveGenerator simplexOctaveGenerator;

public Generator(long seed) {
    simplexOctaveGenerator = new SimplexOctaveGenerator(seed,16);
    simplexOctaveGenerator.setScale((double) 1/100);


public ChunkData generateChunkData(World world, Random random, int x, int z, BiomeGrid biome) {

    ChunkData chunk = createChunkData(world);

    int worldX = x * 16;
    int worldZ = z * 16;
    for(int i = worldX; i < worldX + 16; i++) {
        int chunkX = i - worldX;
        for(int j = worldZ; j < worldZ + 16; j++) {
            int chunkZ = j - worldZ;

            double noise = simplexOctaveGenerator.noise(i,j,0.2F,0.2F,true);

            Material toPlace = null;

            SimplexNoiseGenerator temperatureNoise = new SimplexNoiseGenerator(world.getSeed());
            SimplexNoiseGenerator humidityNoise = new SimplexNoiseGenerator(world.getSeed() + 1);
            SimplexNoiseGenerator heightNoise = new SimplexNoiseGenerator(world.getSeed() + 2);

            double temperature = temperatureNoise.noise(i / 100, j / 100);
            double humidity = humidityNoise.noise(i / 100, j / 100);
            double height = heightNoise.noise(i / 80,j / 100);

            for(int k = 0; k < world.getMaxHeight(); k++) {
                biome.setBiome(chunkX, k, chunkZ, BiomeGen.getBiome(temperature, humidity, height));
                Biome biom = biome.getBiome(chunkX, k, chunkZ);
                if(biom == Biome.DESERT) {
                    int y = (int) (noise * 4 + 100);
                    if (k <= 150 && k > y) {
                        toPlace = Material.AIR;
                    } else if (k > y) {
                        toPlace = Material.AIR;
                    } else if (k == y) {
                        toPlace = Material.GRASS_BLOCK;
                    } else if (k < y) {
                        toPlace = Material.STONE;
                    } else {
                        toPlace = Material.AIR;
                } else {
                    int y = (int) (noise * 16 + 100);
                    if (k <= 150 && k > y) {
                        toPlace = Material.AIR;
                    } else if (k > y) {
                        toPlace = Material.AIR;
                    } else if (k == y) {
                        toPlace = Material.GRASS_BLOCK;
                    } else if (k < y) {
                        toPlace = Material.STONE;
                    } else {
                        toPlace = Material.AIR;

                chunk.setBlock(chunkX, k, chunkZ, toPlace);


    return chunk;


   public static  Biome getBiome(double temperature, double humidity, double height) {
    if (temperature < -0.5) {
        // Frozen
        if (humidity < 0) {
            // Frozen and dry
            if (height < -0.5) {
                return Biome.FROZEN_OCEAN;
            } else if (height < 0.3) {
                return Biome.SNOWY_TUNDRA;
            } else {
                return Biome.SNOWY_MOUNTAINS;
        } else {
            // Frozen and wet
            if (height < -0.5) {
                return Biome.FROZEN_OCEAN;
            } else if (height < 0.3) {
                return Biome.SNOWY_TAIGA;
            } else {
                return Biome.SNOWY_TAIGA_MOUNTAINS;
    } else if (temperature < 0) {
        // Cold
        if (humidity < 0) {
            // Cold and dry
            if (height < -0.5) {
                return Biome.COLD_OCEAN;
            } else if (height < 0.3) {
                return Biome.MOUNTAIN_EDGE;
            } else {
                return Biome.MOUNTAINS;
        } else {
            // Cold and wet
            if (height < -0.5) {
                return Biome.COLD_OCEAN;
            } else if (height < 0.8) {
                return Biome.TAIGA;
            } else {
                return Biome.TAIGA_MOUNTAINS;
    } else if (temperature < 0.5) {
        // Normal
        if (humidity < 0) {
            // Normal and dry
            if (height < -0.5) {
                return Biome.OCEAN;
            } else if (height < 0.3) {
                return Biome.PLAINS;
            } else {
                return Biome.WOODED_HILLS;
        } else {
            // Normal and wet
            if (height < -0.5) {
                return Biome.OCEAN;
            } else if (height < 0.3) {
                return Biome.BIRCH_FOREST;
            } else {
                return Biome.TALL_BIRCH_HILLS;
    } else {
        // Hot
        if (humidity < 0) {
            // Hot and dry
            if (height < -0.5) {
                return Biome.DESERT_LAKES;
            } else if (height < 0.3) {
                return Biome.DESERT;
            } else {
                return Biome.DESERT_HILLS;
        } else {
            // Hot and wet
            if (height < -0.5) {
                return Biome.OCEAN;
            } else if (height < 0.3) {
                return Biome.JUNGLE;
            } else {
                return Biome.JUNGLE_HILLS;

屏幕: enter image description here



这可能不是您要找的,但是this thread关于如何使生物群落不仅仅是相互接触的正方形,有一些非常巧妙的想法。准备使用很多数学!

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