Java Minecraft 插件问题 - 不响应 if 语句?

标签 java plugins minecraft

所以我正在为 Minecraft 服务器制作一个简单的代码兑换插件。奇怪的是,当我输入/redeem(有效代码)时,没有任何反应,尽管它应该...有效代码是用户输入到插件配置中的代码。


public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args)

    //Assigns the commands chosen in config to strings
    String commandChosen1 = this.getConfig().getString("Command for code 1");
    String commandChosen2 = this.getConfig().getString("Command for code 2");
    String commandChosen3 = this.getConfig().getString("Command for code 3");

    //Assigns the codes to strings
    String validCode1 = this.getConfig().getString("Valid Code 1");
    String validCode2 = this.getConfig().getString("Valid Code 2");
    String validCode3 = this.getConfig().getString("Valid Code 3");

    //If the redeem command is sent from a player
    if(cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("redeem") && sender instanceof Player)
        //Casts the sender to a new player.
        Player player = (Player) sender;

        //Creates object hasUSed to store whether or not the player has already redeemed a code
        Object hasUsed = this.getConfig().get(player.getName());

        //Gives an error message of the arguments don't equal 1.
        if(args.length != 1)
            player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Please enter a valid promo code. Find them on our twitter!");

        if(args.length == 1)
            //If the player hasn't used the code yet and the arguments given are equal to a code then give them the reward...
            if(args[0] == validCode1 && hasUsed == null)
                this.getConfig().set(player.getName(), 1);
                player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Promo code successfully entered!");
                if(commandChosen1 == "xp")
                Bukkit.dispatchCommand(player, commandChosen1 + getConfig().getString("XP Given") + "L" + " " + player.getName());


        return true;

    return false;

问题出现在“if (args[0] == validCode1 && hasUsed == null)”上。如果这两件事都检查出来,应该发生的代码没有发生,我不知道为什么。


确保在比较字符串时使用equals()。使用 commandChosen1 == "xp" 比较字符串引用而不是值;使用 commandChosen1.equals("xp") 或者如果您更喜欢 "xp".equals(commandChosen1)


虽然可以使用包含空格的键值的 this.getConfig().getString(),但它会使配置文件难以阅读和困惑。每当我设计插件时,我都会这样设计我的 config.yml

  message: 'hello'

然后运行 ​​this.getConfig().getString("VoteGUI.message");


    validCode1: 'insert code here'
    validCode2: 'insert code here'
    validCode3: 'insert code here'

然后将其放入您的 onCommand 方法中:

String validCode1 = this.getConfig().getString("Promo-Codes.validCode1");
    String validCode2 = this.getConfig().getString("Promo-Codes.validCode2");
    String validCode3 = this.getConfig().getString("Promo-Codes.validCode3");


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