java - Hibernate 中的隐式多态与显式多态

标签 java hibernate polymorphism

我已经阅读了 Hibernate 的 O/R Mapping,但我似乎无法理解 polymorphism 的部分。 根据 ,

Implicit polymorphisms means that instances of the class will be returned by a query that names any superclass or implemented interface or class, and that instances of any subclass of the class will be returned by a query that names the class itself


Explicit polymorphisms means that class instances will be returned only by queries that explicitly name that class. Queries that name the class will return only instances of subclasses mapped



首先 org.hibernate.annotations.Entity 注释是 deprecated现在。你应该使用 @Polymorphism注释代替。


create table TST_STUDENT
   st_id int not null,
   st_name varchar(200),
   primary key (st_id)
insert into TST_STUDENT values (1, 'Kostya'), (2, 'Yulia'), (3, 'Borya'), (4, 'Misha');

create table TST_TEACHER
   tcr_id int not null,
   tcr_first_name varchar(200),
   tcr_last_name varchar(200),
   primary key (tcr_id)
insert into TST_TEACHER values (1, 'Mikhail', 'Bulgakov'), (2, 'Leo', 'Tolstoy');


public interface Person
   Long getId();
   String getName();

@Table(name = "TST_STUDENT")
public class Student implements Person
   @Column(name = "st_id")
   private Long id;

   @Column(name = "st_name")
   private String name;
   public Student()
   // getters / setters


import org.hibernate.annotations.Polymorphism;
import org.hibernate.annotations.PolymorphismType;

@Table(name = "TST_TEACHER")
// @Polymorphism(type = PolymorphismType.EXPLICIT)
public class Teacher implements Person
   @Column(name = "tcr_id")
   private Long id;

   @Column(name = "tcr_first_name")
   private String name;

   @Column(name = "tcr_last_name")
   private String lastName;
   public Teacher()

   // getters / setters


List<Person> persons = em.createQuery("select p from com.your.entities.Person p", Person.class).getResultList();

您将获得 TST_STUDENT 表中的所有行以及 TST_TEACHER 表中的所有行。


@Table(name = "TST_TEACHER")
@Polymorphism(type = PolymorphismType.EXPLICIT) // now we use explicit polymorphism for the Teacher entity
public class Teacher implements Person

上面提到的查询将只返回 TST_STUDENT 表中的行。 这就是这个注解的意思。

默认情况下,当您查询基类实体时,多态查询将获取属于该基类的所有子类。 您甚至可以查询不属于 JPA 实体继承模型的接口(interface)或基类。

附言另见 this文档的一部分。

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