excel - MDX 日期层次结构到 Excel 中的日期格式

标签 excel date mdx

我正在使用 Excel 数据透视表来分析 SSAS 多维多维数据集。我有一个日期层次结构

年 --> 月 --> 日期


enter image description here

为了使用 excel 时间切片器,该列必须采用日期格式。
有谁知道如何在 Excel 中将日期列更改为日期格式?

我觉得它必须在 Excel 中。


这个老white paper记录如何正确标记日期维度,以便 Excel 将其视为此类。您将需要对您的多维数据集进行一些小的更改并重新部署它。参见图 29-31,它显示了如何在维度上标记 Type=Time 并在维度的键上设置 ValueColumn。

To designate a time dimension, set the Type property of the dimension to Time, as illustrated in Figure 29.
enter image description here

Figure 29. Setting the dimension Type property to Time

Exposing Date-Specific Filtering Options If a dimension, in addition to having the Type property set to Time, also has a date property, Office Excel 2007 PivotTables expose date-specific filtering options for this dimension’s hierarchies instead of label filtering options. In Analysis Services, you do this by having a date data type column in the data source view tables for the time dimension and then setting the ValueColumn property to point to that column, as illustrated in Figure 30. To enable date filtering in the PivotTable, first set the Type of the dimension to Time.
enter image description here

Figure 30. Setting the dimension type to Time to expose date filtering options

Next, set the ValueColumn property of the key attribute hierarchy in the time dimension to point to a date data type column in the source database. The DataType property should be set to Date, as illustrated in Figure 31.
enter image description here

Figure 31. Setting the ValueColumn of the key attribute hierarchy to a date type column

关于excel - MDX 日期层次结构到 Excel 中的日期格式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42958276/


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