java - 观察者模式 vs 事件总线消息方法

标签 java oop model-view-controller design-patterns architecture

我一直在密切关注 MVC 实现和事件总线。

为什么不使用 Event-bus 而不是 Observer Pattern 来实现 MVC 应用程序?

例如,假设我有两个类 ModelView , 在典型的观察者模式中,它将是:

public class Model implements Subject { ... }

public class View implements Observer { ... }

相反,使用 green robot event bus 的方法的好处/缺点是什么?或任何其他事件总线?

public class Model {
   private int field = 0; 

   void someFunctionNowTriggerStateChange() {
     this.field = field + 1;
     ...EventBus.getDefault().post(this); //pass itself as the event

public class View {

  @Subscribe onModelUpdated(Model model) {
    //other model updates

与典型的观察者相比,使用 EventBus 实现 MVC 有哪些问题(如果有)?


EventBus 实现了发布者订阅者模式,

EventBus is an open-source library for Android and Java using the publisher/subscriber pattern for loose coupling.

difference from observer pattern是出版商是松散耦合 来自订阅者

publisher and subscriber don’t know about the existence of one another. There is a third component, called broker or message broker or event bus, which is known by both the publisher and subscriber, which filters all incoming messages and distributes them accordingly. In other words, pub-sub is a pattern used to communicate messages between different system components without these components knowing anything about each other’s identity.



Observer pattern is mostly implemented in a synchronous way, i.e. the Subject calls the appropriate method of all its observers when some event occurs. The Publisher/Subscriber pattern is mostly implemented in an asynchronous way (using message queue).


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